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# 写作 # 应试技巧 # 学习方法 # 题型介绍

发布时间:2018-12-21 上海美藤教育









In contemporary society, much ink has been spilled about......(题目改写),and some claim that... Such assertion, however, is torn to pieces by others. As far as I am concerned, the statement that...(题目改写)is arbitrary and one-sided because it fails to take all the related circumstances into consideration. We should analyze this statement comprehensively before we draw the eventual conclusion.结尾段In brief, based on the previous discussion, the issue...(改写题目)is complex and needs a case by case analysis. We are not supposed to disregard those situations where the statement is unjustifiable. As a result, I cannot totally agree with this statement.


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Young people nowadays do not give enough time to help their communities.Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.







First and foremost, with the living costs in most ofmegalopoliseshitting all time high, a large proportion of young urban residents today are exposed to scissor-style pressure, as a result of which rare will be the spare time that is available for making contributions to improving the community. For relevant examples we only need to turn to the experience of my elder brother, a newly graduated college student, majoring in software engineering, working in a leading software company as a development engineer...


On the top of that, there is no point for the young people working in metropolises to help their neighbors if the chance of getting acquainted with them seems quit slim, thanks mainly to the advent of social network applications and also to the increasingly rapid pace of modern life. My elder brother's experience can be cited here again to shed the light on this point.Money is the most important aspect in a job.Material reward is not the only factor to consider while choosing a job, but it is the most appealing, particularly for those seasoned employees, thanks to the ever-increasing living cost in the overwhelming majority of metropolises, to the scissor-style pressure they are exposed to from supporting their aging parents as well as raising children, and above all, to their strong desire of receiving salaries in a reasonable proportion to their years of strenuous work.Helping the community| Voluntary work is not the only factor to consider in their spare time, but it is the most appealing, particularly for those young people from affluent families, thanks mainly to the strong desire to escape the ennui of home and to find identity, and also to the sense of self-fulfillment gained in such kind of activities.
