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杭州朗阁 朗阁-只为高分梦想 在线咨询

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# 听力 # 学习方法 # 资源推荐

发布时间:2019-07-30 杭州朗阁



根据ETS官方对于成绩区间的划分,为不同分数段(low, intermediate, high)的考生分别列出参考书目。



· understand main ideas when they are stated explicitly or marked as important, but may have difficulty understanding main ideas if they are not stated explicitly

· understand important details when they are stated explicitly or marked as important, but may have difficulty understanding details if they are not repeated or clearly marked as important, or if they are conveyed over several exchanges among different speakers

· understand ways that speakers use language to emphasize a point or to indicate agreement or disagreement, but generally only when the information is related to a central theme or is clearly marked as important

· make connections between the key ideas in a conversation, particularly if the ideas are related to a central theme or are repeated




1. 听力材料

· Liste n to recordings on topics that are familiar to you.

· Listen to short programs with some academic content.

· Listen to conversations.

2. 练习文章步骤

1) First listen with English subtitles, if they are available.

2) Then, without subtitles, listen for the main ideas and key details.

3) Then listen again to fill in gaps in your basic understanding and to understand the connections between ideas.






《Absolute TOEFL直通托福基础教程》

《剑桥国际英语语音教程 美音版》



2、INTERMEDIATE (14-21 分)

· Understand explicitly stated main ideas and important details, especially if they are reinforced, but may have difficulty understanding main ideas that must be inferred or important details that are not reinforced


· understand how information is being used (for example, to provide support or describe a step in a complex process)

· recognize how pieces of information are connected (for example, in a cause- and- effect relationship)

· understand, though perhaps not consistently, ways that speakers use language for purposes other than to give information (for example, to emphasize a point, express agreement or disagreement, or convey intentions indirectly)


· synthesize information from adjacent parts of a lecture or conversation and make correct inferences on the basis of that information, but may have difficulty synthesizing information from separate parts of a lecture or conversation



1. 听力材料

· Start with familiar topics; then move to topics that are new to you.

· Listen to programs with academic content, such as “NOVA”, BBC and NPR broadcasts.

2. 练习文章步骤

1) First listen with English subtitles, if they are available.

2) Then, without subtitles, listen for the main ideas and key details.

3) Then listen again to fill in gaps in your basic understanding and to understand the connections between ideas, the structure of the talk and the speakers’ attitude.






https://tpo.xdf.cn 官方材料精听

《托福听力 弦外之音》题型和习题详解可供参考




3、HIGH (22-30分)


· understand main ideas and important details, whether they are stated or implied

· distinguish more important ideas from less important ones


· understand how information is being used (for example, to provide

evidence for a claim or describe a step in a complex process)

· recognize how pieces of information are connected (for example, in a cause-and-e ffect relationship)

· understand many different ways that speakers use language for purposes other than to give information (for example, to emphasize a point, express agreement or disagreement, or convey intentions indirectly)

· synthesize information, even when it is not presented in sequence, and make correct inferences on the basis of that information



1. 听力材料

· Focus on topics that are new to you.

· Listen to academic lectures and public talks.

· Listen to programs with academic content, such as “NOVA”, BBC and NPR broadcasts.

2. 练习文章步骤

1) First listen for the main ideas and key details.

2) Then listen again to fill in gaps in your understanding; to understand the connections between ideas, the structure of the talk and the speakers’ attitude; and to distinguish fact from opinion.




《TOEFL核心词汇21天突破》《词以类记:TOEFL iBT词汇》


https://tpo.xdf.cn 官方材料文章结构分析;科学美国人 60 - SECOND SCIENCE精听


