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Never Talk to Strangers?“Never

2024-04-28 14:10:24    /    英语学习经验    /    作者:Amber    /   
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Never Talk to Strangers?“Never

【题目】Never Talk to Strangers?

“Never talk to strangers.” Many children are taught this simple rule as a precaution against abduction (诱拐). In June, 2005, an 11-year-old boy was lost in the Utah wilderness for four days. During that time, he stayed on the path. He saw people searching for him but deliberately hid from them, afraid someone might “steal” him. Eventually, the unfortunate game of hide-and-seek ended and he was found. According to the Canada Safety Council, this alarming incident shows how unwise it is to instill (灌输) a fear of strangers in children. The “stranger danger” message can prevent children from developing the social skills and judgment needed to deal effectively with real-life situations. In a difficult situation, a stranger could be their lifeline to safety.

To have a child go missing is a parent’s worst nightmare. The threat of abduction by a stranger is minimal when compared with other possible reasons for a disappearance. In 2004, there were 67,266 missing-children cases in Canada. Only 31 involved abduction; in most of those cases the abductor was a relative, friend, or person known to the family. There were 671 cases of children wandering off, and 332 cases of abductions by a parent. Almost 80 percent of all cases were runaways. These statistics cast doubt on the idea that children should never talk to strangers. Wandering off is more common—but a lost child may have to call upon a stranger for help, and must develop the ability to judge what kind of people to approach. The “never talk to strangers” rule does not protect children in the situations they are most likely to face. On top of this, it can be confusing. Adults do not model the behavior; they often talk to strangers. A child may not know how to tell who is a stranger, and who is not.

For young children, nothing replaces close supervision (监管). Pre-schoolers do not understand risk and tend to act without thinking. Children need to develop habits and attitudes that will protect them from the real threats and dangers they may face. The Canada Safety Council encourages parents to give their children age-appropriate positive messages about safety, bearing in mind how youngsters may understand their world.

1Which of the following statements is NOT true about the 11-year-old boy?

A. He practiced the “never talk to strangers” rule.

B. He hid from the rescuers to avoid possible abduction.

C. He eventually showed up when his hide-and seek game ended.

D. He stayed where he was, expecting the coming of familiar people.

2Among the possible reasons for the missing-children cases in Canada, which one is the most frequent?

A. Being abducted by a parent.    B. Running away.

C. Being abducted by strangers.    D. Wandering off.

3The “never talk to strangers” rule is confusing to children because ___________.

A. a friendly and attractive person may be dangerous

B. adults do not act upon the rule and strangers are hard to tell

C. the rule does not protect children in the situation of abducting

D. a lost child may have difficulty in communicating with a stranger

4Which would the author agree with about the “never talk to strangers” rule?

A. It is not well recognized by parents.

B. It is practical as a safety tip in daily life.

C. It is easy enough for children to follow.

D. It is not effective in keeping kids safe.


1】    C   

2】    B   

3】    B   

4】    D   



1考查细节理解。根据第一段中的Eventually, the unfortunate game of hide-and-seek ended and he was found可知,不是孩子主动出来的,而是被人们找到的。故C选项正确。

2考查细节理解。根据第二段中的Almost 80 percent of all cases were runaways可知离家出走是儿童丢失案件中最频繁发生的。故B选项正确。

3考查细节理解。根据第二段中的On top of this, it can be confusing. Adults do not model the behavior; they often talk to strangers. A child may not know how to tell who is a stranger, and who is not.可知,成年人不按规定行事,陌生人也难以辨别。故B选项正确。


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