北木教育 > 雅思 > 雅思文章 > 【考情速递】2019年1月托福考题预测--写作篇

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# 写作 # 考题预测

发布时间:2018-12-10 北京朗阁


写 作

Integrated Writing: 


关于如何控制夏威夷velvet trees的数量。 



1. remove by people, 直接把树拔出来或者cut down; 

2. use fungus, 使用fungus让叶子自己脱落; 

3. prevent people from spreading seeds, 清洗人们的衣服,防止粘上种子帮助传播; 



1. After removing, seeds are exposed to the sun, thus there will be more velvet trees than before, and pesticides are not useful; 树拔掉后seeds会被阳光激 活,会长更多树,使用杀虫剂也无效; 

2. Fungus take effects only in damp condition, while it’s very dry there; 这种 fungus需要潮湿的环境,但是夏威夷很干燥; 

3. Birds can spread seeds; 这种树会结sweet fruits, 鸟很喜欢吃,鸟吃了这种树的 果实后,排泄物会带着种子,就会携带并传播出去。 


关于primary care doctors紧缺的原因。   


1. 医疗专业学费贵,收入低,无法承担贷款的学费; 

2. 工作时间长,工作量大,压力大; 

3. 上岗需要培训,但培训机会分配不公平; 



1. 有政策的支持,学生毕业后要去偏远地区实习,可以抵偿贷款,还有奖学金; 

2. 政府会培养advanced degree的护士,并适度放权让他们分担医生的工作量,比 如开处方等; 

3. 培训机会分布不均的原因是资源分配不均,政府如果每三年就把资源转移到下一 个医院就能解决这个问题。    

Independent Writing: 

1. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? University students should be required to take history courses no matter what field they study. 


2. Do you think it is better for you to travel abroad when you are younger or older? 


3. Which one is the most important for high school teachers? (students aged 15 to 18) 

A) The ability to give advice on planning for future; 

B) The ability to recognize students who need help; 

C) The ability to encourage students to learn outside of the classroom by themselves.  
