北木教育 > 雅思 > 雅思文章 > 【雅思预测】2019年9月7日雅思听力机经预测

广州雅思英语学校 成就留学梦想,跨入世界名校 在线咨询



# 听力 # 应试技巧 # 考题预测

发布时间:2019-08-13 广州雅思英语学校


Section One

  场次 V101010S1

  场景 工作咨询

  题型 填空 10

  内容概述 美国小伙子打电话在英国果园工作

  1.Visa type: blue card

  2.work time from July to October

  3.agency (先说的website,小伙子很快的说better through agency)

  4.busiest time: September

  5.picking date decided by harvest(应该是 weather)

  6.over 18ys old salary:6.50

  7.accommodation: campsite

  8.work by: bike

  9.must work with passport

  10.should bring own lunch and supply of water

  Section Two

  场次 20120414 200908 2007

  场景 其他

  题型 填空 7 配对 3

  内容概述 介绍一个会所,社团

  填空 7

  1. Hot drinks and cakes

  2. 中午会提供的食物:salads

  3.Parent and tutor


  5.运动:stretching movments

  6.Bring your own mat

  7. 人名:Mrs. Waddell. 电话号码 667812

  配对 3

  a.book in advance 提前预订

  b.free enter 不要钱

  c.pay at the door 来了交

  d.pay after your finish 来了以后走时交

  e. pay in advance 提前交 8. 小孩的那个-A

  9. 体育的那个-C

  10. Quiz 的那个-B

  Section Three

  场次 20110212 2008 2007 2006

  题型 填空 10

  内容概述 一位男士 confirm presentation 的时间,以及要带的材料

  填空 10

  1.时间 Time: (early evening) 另外一种说法:Date:(14th to 4th June)

  2.开始 20-10 分钟作报告给?you need to do a report to seminar group

  Items you have to take :

  3.A. material B. project C. list of objectives D. booklist

  4.(project outline)

  作用 the purpose of presentation :证明作者的什么能力 ability? 5.是否做了 did you do(wide reading)

  6.能不能做出(a clear argument)

  7.how well you can do to (design research) 老师对于 presentation

  8.theory chapters

  9.the things you get: checking list

  10.Get information from:www. studentlink.com

  Section Four

  场次 20150418

  学科 健康

  题型 填空 10

  内容概述 食物和儿童健康

  1.Survey for ingredients

  2.stored food quality

  3.cooking temperature changes in affecting the frozen food

  4.supermarkets use images to attract customers

  5.prime motivation: the source of the information

  6.only concern for sales

  7.for entertainments activities such as

  8.organic food in American market

  9.food safety and nutrition safety as in cooking process

  10.healthy choices depend on the parents
