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成都澎博英语 澎博英语助力梦想 在线咨询



# 词汇 # 应试技巧 # 学习方法

发布时间:2019-11-29 成都澎博英语




1、Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker leaves an ------ impression on audiences: children especially remember the dazzling costumes and stirring music.

(A) amorphous

(B) indelible

(C) ineffable

(D) innocuous

(E) inscrutable

2、Jason was truly -------for he squandered a great deal of money with no thought for the future.

(A) prescient

(B) infallible

(C) reticent

(D) improvident

(E) sedulous


3、It is her supremely skillful use of sophisticated laboratory instruments that makes Veronica the ------- research technician that she is.

(A) susceptible

(B) consummate

(C) visionary

(D) vitriolic

(E) doctrinaire

4、The scientist ------- the value of an interdisciplinary approach to environmental studies, arguing such an approach was of ------- importance in promoting environmental literacy among students.

(A) invoked .. marginal

(B) touted .. paramount

(C) ignored .. unprecedented

(D) disparaged .. unparalleled

(E) extolled .. questionable

5、The 1990`s were ------- years for the organization: the staff seas happy, customers were satisfied, and profits were excellent.

(A) halcyon

(B) notorious

(C) somnolent

(D) capricious

(E) expedient


6、The slogan "What goes up must come down" was so universally accepted by economists that it was considered

(A) a conjecture

(B) an axiom

(C) a fad

(D) a testimonial

(E) an argument

7、The critic noted that the ------- tone that characterizes much of the writer`s work stands in stark contrast to his gentle disposition.

(A) benign

(B) somber

(C) stoic

(D) conciliatory

(E) strident

8、Jessica was ------- by Jon`s angry outburst: she literally did not know what to say think, or do.

(A) disenchanted

(B) peeved

(C) assuaged

(D) beguiled

(E) nonplussed


成都澎博英语(Prospect English)隶属于四川澎博教育咨询有限公司,由海归创业者及国内培训界名师创办,开设雅思托福培训、SAT/ACT培训、GRE/GMAT培训等留学英语培训课程、成人英语、商务英语等培训课程。我们深谙海外培训学校“低效散漫”和国内培训学校“急功近利,夸大技巧”的弊病,志在“用心”教授学生真正的语言“学习方法”,80%以上海归顶级教师团队经验丰富,擅长Role-Playing教学法,打造中西方结合的高效学习模式,不只帮助学生通过考试,更让其能顺利适应海外生活和大学专业授课。
