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双语阅读 | 抖音海外版TikTok全球收入第一季度已达千万美元,美国竟然就占了三分之二!

# 综合 # 素材范文 # 资源推荐

发布时间:2019-05-15 苏州朗阁


TikTok global revenue reached USD 11 million in Q1 2019



The United States alone accounted for about two-thirds of TikTok’s global revenue.



Chinese short video sharing app TikTok raked in USD 11 million in revenue outside China in the first quarter of 2019, up 135% from the same period last year, according Sensor Tower.



The top five spenders were the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and Germany. The United States alone contributed to about two-thirds of TikTok’s global revenue in the previous quarter. The UK, Canada, Australia, and Germany trailed behind at 9%, 4.2%, 2.7%, and 2.5%, respectively.

前五名的消费国是美国、英国、加拿大、澳大利亚和德国。仅美国就贡献了TikTok上一季度全球收入的三分之二。 雷特。英国、加拿大、澳大利亚和德国分别落后于9%、4.2%、2.7%和2.5%。


TikTok added 188 million new users in the first three months of this year, with nearly half of them from India. A temporary ban ordered by an Indian high court last month briefly curtailed TikTok’s rapid user growth in the subcontinent. For about two weeks, the short video app was removed from Google Play and Apple’s App Store.



Eventually, the ban was lifted, but the loss of momentum cost TikTok 15 million new users last month, Sensor Tower estimates. The app was originally projected to add 33 million new users in India in April—making it the most active month ever for TikTok in terms of user signups—were it not for the ban.



“Despite the brakes having been put on its growth in India, we expect TikTok to rebound quickly from this situation given its popularity and user base there,” said Sensor Tower.



1>  spenders 

n. 花钱者,文中这里指的是在使用TikTok的排名前5名的国家。


The spenders will be Liverpool, Manchester United, Tottenham and maybe Arsenal. 

这些花大钱的可能是利物浦, 曼联, 热刺,也许还有阿森纳.

2> trailed behind 

由trail(v. 追踪;蔓生;被牵引的)+behind(adv. 在…后面;跟在…后面)组成的短语词组,意为“落后”。

3> temporary 

adj. 暂时的,临时的。即以目前TikTok的境况,这种禁令只是暂时的,中国内容平台出海之路虽然漫漫,但已势不可挡!



4> momentum

n. 动力,冲力,动量,冲量。


复数: momentums momenta

动量厚度;动量密度:momentum thickness
