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# 阅读 # 应试技巧 # 学习方法 # 真题解析

发布时间:2019-02-15 杭州朗阁





These have changed constantly through time,even in relatively recent periods,as can be seen from the Neolithic stone circle of Er Lannic,in Brittany,France(once inland but now half submerged on an island)or medieval villages in east Yorkshire,England,that have tumbled into the sea in the last few centuries as the North Sea gnaws its way westward and erodes the cliffs.


Tpo49-Ancient Coastlines第二题,拿到句子简化题目后,第一步就是分析句子分清哪里是主干哪里是细节信息,也就是主句和从句分析。此句,从there到periods是一定不能少的主干,也就是change constantly happened in 

recently periods in some areas.而后面所有的都是关于areas的解释,可以简化为 Neolithic stone circle和medieval 


which of the sentences below best expresses the 

essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage?Incorrect choices change the meaning in 

important ways or leave out essential information.

A In the last few centuries,the erosion of coastline 

created the Neolithic stone circle in Brittany,France,at

the same time that it destroyed the medieval villages in Yorkshire,England.

此选项的错误在于,没有主干的change constantly

B Coastlines have changed even in recent times as shown by the current locations of certain Neolithic 

monuments and medieval villages.

此选项正确,主干信息完备,changed even in recent

times, areas简化为Neolithic monuments and medieval 


C Recent changes in the coastlines near the Neolithic 

stone circle of Er Lannic in Brittany,France,and the 

medieval villages in Yorkshire,England,suggest that 

ancient coastlines changed in similar ways.

此选项错误在于增添信息 原文是changes even in recent

times 没有提到和ancient coastlines changed是否similar

D Changes in coastlines can lead to the creation of 

islands such as Er Lannic in France or the total erosion 

of the cliffs as in Yorkshire in England,though no 

considerable changes have occurred in recent periods.

此选项在于,完全与原文相悖,no considerable 

changes,原文是changes happened
