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关于托福口语介绍以及备考建议 !

# 口语 # 应试技巧 # 学习方法

发布时间:2019-12-16 郑州优择教育




Delivery:即总体的陈述印象---考生是否能做到清晰表达。好的表达应该清晰流畅、发音正确、语速适中、语音语调自然。(清晰度+流畅度= 高分口语)

Topic Development:即考生是否能完成命题所要求的所有任务,表达是否连贯。好的表达应该能在规定时间内完成,并且能够让评分人很容易听出各个观点之间的关系和思想之间的衔接。

Language use:即语言运用。考生是否能有效的使用英语语法和词汇来表达自己的思想。评分人会考查考生是否熟练运用简单和复杂的语言结构和恰当的词汇

Independent speaking rubrics(独立口语)


General description

The response fulfills the demands of the task, with at most minor lapses in completeness. It is highly intelligible and exhibits sustained, coherent discourse. A response at this level is characterized by all of the following.


Generally well-paced flow (fluid expression). Speech is clear. It may include minor lapses, or minor difficulties with pronunciation or intonation patterns, which do not affect intelligibility.

Topic Development 

Response is sustained and sufficient to the task. It is generally well developed and coherent; relationships between ideas are clear (or clear progression of ideas).

Language use 

The response demonstrates effective use of grammar and vocabulary. It exhibits a fairly high degree of good language control of basic and complex structures. Some minor (or systemic) errors are noticeable but do not obscure meaning.

Integrated speaking rubrics(综合口语)


General description

The response fulfills the demands of the task, with at most minor lapses in completeness. It is highly intelligible and exhibits sustained, coherent discourse. A response at this level is characterized by all of the following.


Speech is generallyclear, fluid and sustained. It may include minor lapses, orminor difficulties with pronunciation or intonation. Pace may vary at times as the speaker attempts to recall information. Overall intelligibility remains high.

Topic Development 

The response presents a clear progression of ideas and conveys the relevant information required by the task. It includes appropriate detail, though it may have minor errors or minor omissions

Language use 

The response demonstrates good control of basic and complex grammatical structuresthat allow for coherent, efficient (automatic) expression of relevant ideas. Contains generally effective word choice. Though some minor (or systemic) errors or imprecise use may be noticeable, they do not require listener effort  (or obscure meaning).



Delivery: 模仿跟读是有效提升口语发音的手段(重在坚持)

Topic development:
independent  speaking: task 1  话题来源于生活,结合生活日常经验,积累答题素材

integrated  speaking: task2-4重视听力能力的提升; 加强校园生活场景和学术场景的词汇积累; 培养提炼和概括信息的能力

Language Use: 加强词汇积累(同义词替换,短语积累)句式结构的积累和灵活运用

