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# 综合 # 素材范文

发布时间:2018-12-04 杭州greenpath教育

仅阅读部分,TPO8-2/15-2/33-3/42-2都涉及到了这个话题。而说到大灭绝一定会提到地质时期(Geological Epoch),那今天就和同学们一起捋一捋世界灭绝史。


地质史上共有五次大灭绝(Mass Extinction, or die-off),其中两次和恐龙息息相关。据维基百科,所谓大灭绝,就是整科、整目甚至整纲的生物在很短的时间内彻底消失或仅有极少数存留下来。参考历史上的朝代更替,我们很容易就可以把它和改朝换代的决定性战役作类比,经此一役,会出现新的领袖、新的政局、新的经济。







第三次大灭绝距今2.5亿年,即Permian-Triassic extinction(二叠纪-三叠纪大灭绝),是五次物种大灭绝事件中最严重的一次,造成了98%的海洋生物以及96%的陆地生物都在50万年内忽然消失,大量的生物“蒸发”殆尽,整个海洋、陆地的生命迹象都基本消失。以此为界限,中生代三叠纪开始,恐龙出现。

经过三叠纪(初现)——侏罗纪(鼎盛)——白垩纪(尾声),距今6500万年的白垩纪末期发生了第五次大灭绝,即图片中的“big,big extinction”,托福阅读中惯称其为“K-T boundary”,T”指的是第三纪(the Tertiary period),“K”是德语中白垩纪(Kreidezeit) 的首字母。


Dinosaurs rapidly became extinct about 65 million years ago as part of a mass extinction known as the K-T event, because it is associated with a geological signature known as the K-T boundary, usually a thin band of sedimentation found in various parts of the world (K is the traditional abbreviation for the Cretaceous, derived from the German name Kreidezeit).







Scientists have narrowed down several of the most likely causes of mass extinction. Flood basalt events (volcano eruptions), asteroid collisions, and sea level falls are the most likely causes of mass extinctions, though several other known events may also contribute. These include global warming, global cooling, methane eruptions and anoxic events–when the earth's oceans lose their oxygen.

Both volcano eruptions and asteroid collisions would eject tons of debris into the atmosphere, darkening the skies for at least months on end. Starved of sunlight, plants and plant-eating creatures would quickly die. Space rocks and volcanoes could also unleash toxic and heat-trapping gases that—once the dust settled—enable runaway global warming.

An extraterrestrial impact is most closely linked to the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event, one of the five largest in the history of the world, and the most recent. A huge crater off Mexico's Yucatán Peninsula is dated to about 65 million years ago, coinciding with the extinction. Global warming fueled by volcanic eruptions at the Deccan Flats in India may also have aggravated the event. Dinosaurs, as well as about half of all species on the planet, went extinct.
