北木教育 > 托福 > 托福文章 > 【托福预测】2019年7月6日托福听力&阅读考前机经预测

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# 听力 # 考题预测

发布时间:2019-06-14 广州雅思英语学校



      What is the student's attitude about speaking in front of other students?

  A. He thinks it will be fun.

  B. He views it as a useful opportunity.

  C. He feels nervous about it.

  D. He prefers it to writing papers.

  2. The student talks about a species of fungus. What fact about the fungus interests him ?

  A. It acts as a food source for other fungi.

  B. It grows well on wind farms.

  C. It can be used as an alternative source of energy.

  D. It produces chemicals that destroy toxins.

  3. Why does the professor mention trees and apples?

  A. To give advice on how to explain fungi and mushrooms

  B. To show how the environment can affect growth rates

  C. To provide an example of the effects of pesticides

  D. To give an example of how a wind farm replaced a fruit farm

  4. Why does the professor suggest that the student visit the greenhouse?

  A. The student might be able to conduct a research study there.

  B. A mushroom species that interests the student is being grown there.

  C. Mushrooms grow more quickly there than in other locations.

  D. Environmentally safe growing techniques are demonstrated there.

  5. Why does the student go to see the professor?

  A. To get advice about how much information to include in a paper he is writing

  B. To ask for permission to change the topic of an assignment

  D. To discuss the results of research he has done for a paper he is writing


      Passage One


  题目:Dutch Painting

  内容回忆:本文共5段。第一段说17世纪是荷兰艺术文化的黄金时期,画作主要以花草,任务,事件为主题,具备道德宣扬和法律记录的作用。第二段说画作采用text information的方式标明所属对象等真实性。第三段说这种方式同样能够体现出画作的主要内容以及作者的意图。第四段举了一个例子,Heyden的“room corner curiosity”主要传达了万物皆空的理念。第五段说后期规范之后的书写方式使得欧洲文明大放异彩


  1. typically:specifically

  2. thus: as a result

  3. pursuit: possession

  4. intricate: complex

  Passage Two


  题目:Determination of Plant Diversity in a Particular Place

  内容回忆:本文共5段。第1段说植物多样性会因为历史原因减少例如海平面降低;第2段提出第二个原因physiological traits;第3段揭露第三个原因biotic interaction;第四段说以上三种原因会不断变化,相互作用但biotic interaction是最主要引起多样性骤减的因素。第五段提出为什么在不同区域植物多样性会呈现不同情况的原因,在热带雨林主要是由light climate引起的;而在沙原(sand plains)则是root traits 导致的。


  1. eliminates:removes

  2. relatively: comparatively

  3. inadvertently: unintentionally

  Passage Three


  题目:Inca Highlands Adaptation



  1. self-sufficiency: independence

  2. constant: regularly occurring

  3. employed: used

  4. retained: kept
