北木教育 > 托福 > 托福文章 > 托福听力真题比TPO听力难很多吗?

西安澎博英语 澎博英语助力梦想 在线咨询



# 听力 # 真题解析

发布时间:2019-04-19 西安澎博英语







  TPO,即TOEFL PracticeOnline,托福在线考试练习的意思。是为参网考托福考试的人,以及想要提高专业英语水平的学员提供的一个全真模拟托福网考考试平台。TPO都是ETS之前考过的真题,这些题大部分应该不会再用了,只有少部分可能会再出现。但TPO无论是从难易程度还是出题模式,对于考生考前模拟和复习还是具有很大的利用价值。








  What is the main purpose of the lecture?

  A.Tocompare the composition of the Moon with the composition of Earth.

  B.Toexplain the significance of Moon samples obtained by Apollo astronauts.

  C.Todiscuss theories about the early development of the solar system.

  D.Todiscuss problems with explanations for the origin of the Moon.


  题目解析:Today we are going to talk about…how the moon formed? 这篇讲座的主旨讨论的是月亮是怎么形成的,且有主旨关键句提示,相对比较简单。其中A选项中含有compare, 比较词在主旨题中出现是典型的错误。


  1.Whatdoes the professor mainly discuss?

  A. Howthe seafaring skills of Polynesians resembled those of the Vikings.

  B. HowPacific Islanders were able to navigate without instruments.

  C. Howthe patterns of stars differ to the north and south of the equator.

  D. Hownavigational instruments developed over time.


  题目解析:由主旨关键句引出----Today I want to talk about the importance of stars for …wereused as navigational aids. 对应答案B, 其中C选项differ表示区别,比较是典型的错误答案。

  What is one point the professor makes about the capture theory?

  A. It accounts for the difference in composition between Earth and the Moon.

  B. It lost populanty when the fission theory was proposed.

  C. It is based on the assumption that Earth’s gravitational field has remained constant.

  D.It was challenged by the Apollo findings.


  2.Whatis the advantage of observing stars from a location near the equator?

  A. Thehorizon tends to be clearer there than anywhere else.

  B. Morestars rise and set in pairs there than anywhere else.

  C. Zenithstars shine even brighter there than they do farther north or south.

  D. Thesky appears more orderly there than it does farther north or south.


  What assumption do the giant impact theory and the fission theory have in common?

  A.The Moon increased in size after its formation.

  B.The Moon was formed form part of Earth.

  C.The young Earth rotated very slowly.

  D.The young Earth collided with another planetary object.

  解析:需要结合第一个分类话题的内容和第三个分类的话题的内容,整理得出正确答案,第一个分类话题告诉我们,月球是地球的一个chunk, 而第三个分类内容告诉我们月球是young earth与其他星球碰撞产生的debris形成的,综合听到两个理论才能整合到答案。

  3.Whatdid the technique using zenith stars have in common with the technique usingstar pairs?

  A. Bothcould help identify a location relative to the equator.

  B. Bothseem to have been used to determine the positioning of stone canoes.

  C.Bothwere first developed by the Vikings.

  D. Bothwere used as calendars to help keep track of the seasons.


  According to the professor , how do astronomers who support the giant impact theory explain the Moon’s lack of iron ?

  A.Excess iron was ejected into space during the impact.

  B.Earth‘s outer layer never contained iron.

  C.The impact layer never contained iron.

  D.The Moon lost its iron when it was struck by meteontes.

  解析:推断题:关键词:for example….考的是例子的细节,首先要抓到例子,通过分析例子的细节得到答案C。

  4.Whatdoes the professor say about the people of the Gilbert Islands? Click on 2answers.

  A. Theydeveloped a method for describing the locations of stars.

  B. Theyregularly traded with the peoples of Hawaii and New Zealand.

  C. Theywere the first to recognize the usefulness of zenith stars.

  D. Theyconsidered a navigator to be the same as an astronomer.

  解析:细节题,同样是例子题,TPO就要简单一下,在Gilbert Island的例子之后,将AD两个答案直接给了出来,只要能听到例子就可以,不需要总结推断。

  According to the professor, what does computer model of the giant impact suggest?(Click on 2 answers)

  A.The object that hit Earth had a mass similar to that of Mars.

  B.The Moon was formed during the late stages of Earth‘s formation.

  C.A single impact could not have produced a Moon lacking in iron.

  D.Earth‘s rotation rate changed after the impact.

  解析:典型的细节题。定位方式是细节概念强调句型:the interesting result is…后面直接给了AB两个答案。
