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发布时间:2018-09-17 光合英语

learning style---学习模式,是假定能够使个人达到最佳学习状态的方法











       说办法之前,有一个概念想先聊几句,那就是learning style。中文翻译过来就是学习模式,是假定能够使个人达到最佳学习状态的方法。目前为止有很多种的学习模式模型,比较常见的是通过生理知觉进行分类,也就是今天的主题。










       听觉模式的人,需要创造很好的听力环境,教室要尽量保持安静没有无关声音干扰,听力材料也要清晰富于变化(英语材料居多,法语少数),Mark自己有时候也会录制一些语音语调变化强烈、节奏感强有韵律或带有额外非语言配音(比如加入流水,打雷,鸟叫等)的听力材料,供他们反复听去记忆,往往这样的材料对于他们来说很快就能接受,很有可能在听的过程中就小声跟着读几遍下来就能自己复述出来了。当然,如果文章是歌词,那就是极好的,跟着音乐哼唱几遍轻松拿下。试试今年奥斯卡最佳原创歌曲remember me?8岁小朋友,二十分钟轻松唱出来。







       好了,到文末了,抱歉不提供翻译版本,大家试着测测看吧。欢迎留言讨论。本自测题共有20题,每道题有3个答案,找张纸把三种模式都写下来,根据每道题的自己的答案在对应模式下面计数。比如这样 visual  2  tactile 14 auditory 4 最后的结果 tactile 14就是对应tactile为主的学习模式。


Learning Style Self-Assessment Questionaire     

1. What kind of book would you like to read for fun?

 A book with lots of pictures in it

 A book with lots of words in it

 A book with word searches or crossword puzzles


2. When you are not sure how to spell a word, what are you most likely to do?

 Write it down to see if it looks right

 Spell it out loud to see if it sounds right

 Trace the letters in the air (finger spelling)


3. You're out shopping for clothes, and you're waiting inline to pay. What are you most likely to do while you are waiting?

 Look around at other clothes on the racks

 Talk to the person next to you in line

 Fidget or move back and forth


4. When you see the word "cat," what do you dofirst?

 Picture a cat in your mind

 Say the word"cat" to yourself

 Think about being with a cat (petting it or hearing it purr)


5. What's the best way for you to study for a test?

 Read the book or your notes and review pictures or charts

 Have someone ask you questions that you can answer out loud

 Make up index cards that you can review


6. What's the best way for you to learn about how something works (like a computer or a video game)?

 Get someone to show you

 Read about it or listen to someone explain it

 Figure it out on your own


7. If you went to a school dance, what would you be mostlikely to remember the next day?

 The faces of the people who were there

 The music that was played

 The dance moves you did and the food you ate


8. What do you find most distracting when you are trying to study?

 People walking past you

 Loud noises

 An uncomfortable chair


9. When you are angry, what are you most likely to do?

 Put on your"mad" face

 Yell and scream

 Slam doors


10. When you are happy, what are you most likely to do?

 Smile from ear to ear

 Talk up a storm

 Act really hyper


11. When in a new place, how do you find your way around?

 Look for a map or directory that shows you where everything is

 Ask someone for directions

 Just start walking around until you find what you're looking for


12. Of these three classes, which is your favorite?

 Art class

 Music class

 Gym class


13. When you hear a song on the radio, what are you most likely to do?

 Picture the video that goes along with it

 Sing or hum along with the music

 Start dancing or tapping your foot


14. What do you find most distracting when in class?

 Lights that are too bright or too dim

 Noises from the hallway or outside the building (like traffic or someone cutting the grass)

 The temperature being too hot or too cold


15. What do you like to do to relax?


 Listen to music

 Exercise (walk, run,play sports, etc.)


16. What is the best way for you to remember a friend'sphone number?

 Picture the numbers on the phone as you would dial them

 Say it out loud over and over and over

 Write it down or store it in your phone contact list


17. If you won a game, which of these three prizes would you choose?

 A poster for the wall

 A music CD or mp3 download

 A game of some kind(or a football or soccer ball, etc.)


18. Which would you rather go to with a group of friends?

 A movie

 A concert

 An amusement park


19. What are you most likely to remember about new people you meet?

 Their face but not their name

 Their name but not their face

 What you talked about with them


20. When you give someone directions to your house, what areyou most likely to tell them?

A description of building and landmarks they will pass onthe way

The names of the roads or streets they will be on

"Follow me—it will be easier if I just show you how to get there."




