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北京超级学长 让学生找到好老师 在线咨询


# 口语 # 素材范文 # 真题解析

发布时间:2019-02-13 北京超级学长

今天为大家推荐雅思口语语料,这些雅思口语语料都来源 1 月出现的口语新题,很多宝宝都想在农历新年到来前,拿到自己心仪的offer。


Describe a piece of good news you heard on the Internet


You should say:

·What the news was

·Who was involved in the news

·Where you read or heard about this news

And explain why this news was interesting to you

Actually, the good news that I wanna talk about was that the US started to offer 10 yrs period of tourist visa to Chinese applicants. In fact, the news was announced a couple of years ago but I really can’t think of anything contemporarily.

I believe the news was announced 3 years ago. At that time I was thinking about travelling to the US to visit my mum who immigrated to that country two years ago to marry her current husband. As you probably now, to apply for a US visa was really complicated. You have to prepare a huge amount of documents, including a certified copy of your birth certificate, bank statement and other supporting documents. Besides, you have to physically go to the US embassy for an interview and store your fingerprints. Most importantly, the visa was only valid for one year, which means you have to reapply and prepare all those things again.

Now, it is a different story. I only have to do that for once and the visa is valid for 10 years. So it save me a huge amount of time and money because the application fee is over 1000 yuan. I can still remember how excited I was the time when I heard about it from a news website. In fact, I called my mum straight away and she confirmed about the news. After going through all the process, now I have a visa valid for 10 years and I can go and visit my mum anytime I want. So that’s the good news that I want to talk about.


新闻话题策略:尽量选取自己相对较熟悉和词汇较丰富的新闻类型→比如男孩子喜欢篮球,那就常关注VOA或BBC上的NBA新闻 →准备时目标明确,描述时困难少,表达时有真实感受→考场上会更有说服力


1. news相关语料:breaking news爆炸性新闻、突发新闻、实时新闻, news headline新闻标题,头条, feature专题报道, sensational轰动的

2. good : amazing, wonderful, excellent, terrific…

3. feeling:

adj.: excited, thrilled, cheerful,

n. : rapture, excitement, joy




