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郑州超级学长 超级学长,让学生找到好老师 在线咨询


# 口语 # 真题解析

发布时间:2019-02-12 郑州超级学长


Part 1 高频话题 top 5

1. Work or studies

What work do you do?

Why did you choose to do that type of work?

Do you miss being a student?

Why did you choose to study that subject?

What subjects are you studying?

2. The area you live in

Where do you like to go in that area?

Do you know any famous people in your area?

What are some changes in the area recently?

3. Home/accommodation

Who do you live with?

What kinds of accommodation do you live in?

Do you live in a house or a flat?

What rooms does your family spend most of the time in?

4. movies

Do you prefer to watch movies at home or in a cinema?

Do you prefer to go to a movie alone or with others?

What kind of movies do you like?

How often do you watch movies?

5. Transportation

What’s the most popular means of transportation in your hometown?

Can you compare the advantages of planes and trains?

How often do you take buses?

Is driving to work popular in your country?

Would you ride bikes to work in the future?

Do you prefer public transportation or private transportation?

Do you think people will drive more in the future?

What will become the most popular means of transportation in China?

Part 2 & 3 高频话题 top 5

1. 最近读的书

In your country, who would ask children to read, schools or parents?

Do you think printed books will continue to exist?

What kind of books do children read?

Do you think parents should continue reading?

Do you prefer paper books or E-books?

2. 上网搜信息

In what ways can people get information these days?

What are the differences between getting information from library and getting information from newspaper?

3. 好法律

Do all Chinese people obey the law?

Is kindness the most important quality of a police officer?

What kind of people can become police officers?

Do you think both men and women can be police officers?

Do you think police officers are paid too much?

4. 想学的外语

What can people do to learn a second language?

What are the difficulties of learning a new language?

What’s the best way to learn a new language?

Is it popular to learn English in your country?

5. 理想房子

What are the disadvantages of living in the city?

What are the differences between living in the city and living in the countryside?

Can you compare the past and the present of cities?

