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# 综合 # 素材范文

发布时间:2018-09-17 文都国际教育

A key feature of the campaign was the website www. newzealand.com, which provided potential visitors to New Zealand with a single gateway to everything the destination had to offer.(C13 T1 P1)

句子主干:A key feature was the website(主语+系动词+表语). 


① of the campaign是后置定语,修饰它前面的feature. “A key feature of the campaign” 。翻译:活动的一个重要特点

② www. newzealand.com是前面the website的同位语

③ which开始是定语从句,修饰 “the website www. newzealand.com”. which代替的就是the website, 而且在从句中做的是主语,所以翻译时可与前面主句断开,直接从which开始翻译成另一句。但在翻译前,还需要解释一下从句里的结构。解释如下:

从句的主干是which(即:the website) provided potential visitors with a single gateway. 其中,which是主语,provided是谓语,potential visitors是宾语, with a single gateway是状语。翻译:这家网站给潜在游客提供了一种独特的途径

④ 从句中的to New Zealand是后置定语,修饰visitors. 翻译:去新西兰的(潜在)游客

⑤ 从句中的to everything是后置定语,修饰gateway. 翻译:接触所有一切的途径

⑥ 从句中的the destination had to offer也是定语从句,修饰前面的everything. 但要注意的是had to offer中的had to可不是 “不得不”的意思,而应该分开来理解。也就是说,had是这个定语从句的谓语动词,而to offer也是修饰前面的everything的,只不过因为everything在前面做了先行词,所以to offer前面的everything就省略了。

即这个句子本来是:have something to offer的结构,如:Do you have anything to to say/to do/to offer? 然后,anything去前面做了先行词,于是句子就变成了:anything you have to say/to do/to offer. 

类似表达如:He spent all the money his parents had to offer.

which provided potential visitors to New Zealand with asingle gateway to everything the destination had to offer翻译:这家网站给去新西兰的潜在游客提供了一种独特的接触到(作为旅游)目的地(的新西兰)所能提供的一切的途径。
