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# 综合 # 素材范文 # 真题解析

发布时间:2019-01-25 上海启德



When new towns are planned, it is more important to develop public parks and sports facilities than shopping centers for people to spend their free time in. Do you agree or disagree?



Modern shopping malls are available everywhere in the cities of today. These shopping centers make local resident’s lives easier. However, in many towns there is a dearth of public parks and sports facilities. I am of the opinion when designing and building new towns, planning officials should give more consideration to the provision of public parks and sports facilities, than ubiquitous malls.


Firstly, in todays busy world it’s easy to become stressed out living in the urban jungle. People need places to hang out, meet friends and just chill. Public parks are ideal places for workers to relax during a busy working day. Having lunch or dozing in the sunshine can provide relief from having a lot on your plate in the workplace. 

Secondly, the provision of more sports facilities is also crucial for the wellbeing of the population. As work becomes more sedentary and people suffer from obesity, the provision of gyms and other facilities like swimming pools becomes a no-brainer.


Consequently, with the rapid development of e-commerce and working from home we might see a radical change away from city centers full of shopping malls. Planners need to factor in the increased leisure time many people are enjoying nowadays. This suggests that the provision of public parks and sports facilities will take on a greater importance over and above shopping malls.


In conclusion, I agree that providing more access to public parks and sports facilities is an essential element when designing a new town. These will significantly impact on the modern citizens’ lifestyle and create good PR for the cities in question.

 By Dr Rob Burton





dearth (noun):  a scarcity or lack of something. 

eg: "there is a dearth of evidence."


ubiquitous (adjective): present, appearing, or found everywhere.

eg: "his ubiquitous influence was felt by all the family."


stressed out (idiom): Experiencing a lot of mental, emotional, or physical strain or tension. 

eg: “Now, don't get stressed out, but the boss has some things he wants you to change in the project.”


urban jungle (noun): city life, especially the unpleasant parts of it: Traffic noise, pollution, huge concrete buildings.

eg: “how can people survive in the urban jungle?”

hang out (idiom):

-—to spend time in a place habitually.

eg:  “Is this where you guys hang out all the time?”

—to spend time aimlessly; to waste time.

eg: “Bill: What are you doing this afternoon? Tom: Oh, I'll just hang out.”


dozing (verb): to have a short period of sleep, esp. during the day.

eg: “My cat was dozing in front of the fireplace.”


have a lot on your plate (idiom): to have a lot of responsibilities.

eg: “I have a lot on my plate since my supervisor quit last week.”


sedentary (adjective): to spend much time seated; somewhat inactive.

eg: "we all walk a certain amount every day even if we are sedentary"


no-brainer (idiom+noun): an easy question that takes no thinking to answer; a simple problem that requires no intellect to solve; a dilemma that requires no pondering to resolve.

eg:  “His proposal of marriage was a no-brainer. She turned him down flat on the spot.”


factor in (idiom): To incorporate or involve something in something. A noun or pronoun can be used between "factor" and "in". 

eg: “Before you accept this job offer, you need to factor in how long the commute is.”


over and above (idiom): More than; beyond; in addition to. “They demanded $2,000 over and above the initial asking price because they knew demand was so high.” 

eg: “Peanut butter is a wholesome food, but it will put you over and above your daily calorie limits in no time.”


PR (abbreviation): Public Relations.
