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# 口语 # 应试技巧

发布时间:2018-09-13 西安英度教育



适用部分:Part1 & Part 3

象声词-errr…; hmm…; ahh…

短语1(需要时间琢磨)-Letme see/think

Example:What’s your favourite day of a week? - hmm, Let me see, I likeSaturdays as the family are all together and we can go outsomewhere…but I like Friday as well, Friday always have thatfeel-good factor.

短语2(确实难答)-That’sa tricky one

Example:Where would like to live if you had the choice? - That’s a trickyone, I mean I’ve always liked the idea of living in foreigncountries like the US or Spain…but that would mean leaving friendsand relatives behind…

短语3(太复杂不想浪费时间回答)-Tocut a long story short

Example:Does your name have special meaning? - Well, it’s quite hard toexplain but to cut a long story short, I think my parents just wantedme to become a happy and successful person.

短语4(碰巧问道自己近期或者长期关注的内容)-funnyyou should ask

Example: What’s your favourite TV show? - funny you should ask, I’verecently started watching Stranger things, which is an amazingsci-fi/horror show. It’s soooo good.

短语5(自己讲了一堆有点乱)-youknow what I mean?/Does that make sense?

