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石家庄学为贵教育 英语真经,让学习更高效 在线咨询

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# 写作 # 素材范文 # 资源推荐

发布时间:2019-01-17 石家庄学为贵教育


  词汇搭配是最能激发各位考鸭内心洪荒之力的存在了,下面分享我们整理的教育类词汇搭配的知识点,每天学习一点点就是进步,小贵贵已经给你整理好了~ 学习了记得收藏分享给身边的小烤鸭哦~


  1. 变得独立 become independent

  2. 对…充满热情 be passionate about …

  3. 应对学生生活挑战 cope with challenges of student life

  4. 有宽广的视野 have a broader view of life

  5. 被溺爱 be spoilt

  6. 对感兴趣的事物有明确的态度 have a clear perspective of what people are passionate about

  7. 能成事并有驱动的人 become effective and motivated individuals

  8. 学术研究和学习 academic research and studies

  9. 以物质的方式溺爱孩子 spoil children in material ways

  10. 无论价格有多贵,…被允许拥有任何他们想要的… be allowed to have whatever they want, regardless of price

  11. 怎么开心怎么做 behave as sb. please

  12. 不体谅他人以及缺乏理解他们的生活品质来自哪里的环境下长大 grow up without consideration for others and without any understanding of where their standard of living comes from

  13. 遵守规则 obey rules

  14. 尊重他人 respect others

  15. …的责任the responsibility of sb.

  16. 学习行为举止/社交礼仪 learn how to behave

  17. 学习在社会中扮演的角色 learn what role sb. will play in society/in the world/learn what role to play

  18. 进入一个更大的环境  enter a wider community

  19. …有如…相同的影响  have as much influence as somebody does/do

  20. 体验与社会背景不同的人一起工作和生活 experience living and working with people from a whole variety of backgrounds from society

       21. 互相合作 cooperate with each other

  22. 职业晋升 career progression

  23. 从个人角度来看 from a personal perspective

  24. 在社会层面上 on the societal level

  25. 提供更多就业机会 provide more job opportunities

  26. 大学教育 higher education

  27. 更优渥的工资 better salaries

  28. 提升的生活品质 an improved quality of life

  29. 填补知识和技能的空缺 cover knowledge and skill gap

  30. 为社区生活做贡献 contribute to the life of their community

  31. 通过直觉学习 learn by instinct

  32. 选择偏好的学科领域 choose preferred areas of study

  33. 对…的重视高于… value … over …

  34. 预测未来什么知识领域对未来社会有用 predicate which areas of knowledge will be useful to society in the future

  35. 对创造性思维的重视高于实用和专业技能 value creative thinking skills above practical or technical skills

  36. 对所学内容充满热情 be passionate about what they are learning

  37. 比…需要更多的 need more +名词than 名词

  38. 艺术、历史和哲学学科的学生 students of art, history and philosophy

  39. 带来新的发明、经济增长和更大的社会繁荣 lead to new inventions, economic growth and greater future prosperity

  40. 通过试验和错误学习 learn by trial and error

       41. 处罚 sanctions

  42. 打小孩子 hit smaller ones

  43. 行为不了的小孩 a badly-behaved child

  44. 逐渐了解到 gradually develop an understanding of …

  45. 改正行为 correct the behaviour

  46. 尝试不同的方法 try different strategies

  47. 武力的方式 a physical nature

  48. 发出一种信号:…  send the message that +句子

  49. 导致某人开始… result in the child starting to do …

  50. 通过了解他们自己的孩子 learn by getting to know their own children
