北木教育 > 雅思 > 雅思文章 > 【比全网最全还要全】2019年1-4月雅思口语新题!不收藏分数公布那天你就后悔啦!

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# 口语 # 题型介绍 # 真题解析

发布时间:2019-01-16 上海悠学教育


每年1、5、9月为雅思口语变题季,包括 Part1、Part2、Part3雅思口语话题会淘汰30%~40%旧题,并补充相应数量的新题!

Part1 新题  (10个)


What’s your favorite festival?

How do you celebrate the festival?

What is the most popular Chinese festival?

Do you like western festivals?


What‘s your favorite animal?

Which way is better to see animals in the zoo or in the wild?

Do youknow how to protect animals?

Do you think it’s good to donate for animals?


Where do you run?

Howoften do you run?

Is running a good way to exercise?

Do you run more than youdid in the past?


Who is your favorite celebrity in China?

Do you like any foreign celebrities?

Would you want to be a celebrity in the future?

Would you want to be a celebrity in the future?


Would you want to be a celebrity in the future?

Do you prefer the sky during the day or at night?

Have you learnt any courses about stars or planets?

Do you like looking at the stars?


Do you have a pet?

What is your favorite animal?

Do you think it's good to keep a pet at home?

Are there any disadvantages of keeping a pet?


Is it necessary to take a nap everyday?

Do old people sleep a lot? Why?

What time do you usually go  to bed?

Do you always have a good sleep?

8,tea and coffee 

Do Chinese people like tea or coffee?

What’s your favorite tea or coffee?

How often do you drink tea or coffee?

Do you think people should drink more tea and coffee?

Is it convenient to buy tea or coffee where you live?

Will you serve tea or coffee when there are some guests?


Do you think patience is important?

Do you have patience?

How to improve patience?


At work or in your studies, do you often write things?

How often do you send e-mails?

Do you prefer to write by hand or on a computer?

Part1 老题  (20个)

1,Work or studies











12,Drink water



15,Rainy days


17,Morning routines




Part2 新题( 37个)

1,A historical period you want toknow  历史时期

2,A friend’s success   朋友成功

3,A person who is beautiful orhandsome 外表出众的人

4,A facility that improves locallife quality     一个设施

5,A time that a person don’t tellthe complete truth 善意的谎言

6,A plan you changed     改变机会

7,A present made by hand   手工礼物

8,An intelligent person    聪慧的人

9,A time you find something los tby others  见到别人丢的东西

10,Someone you like to work or study with 想要一起工作学习的人

11,An activity that is important for your health  有助于健康的活动

12,An outdoor sports you try for the first time   第一次尝试的户外运动

13,A healthy lifestyle   健康生活方式

14,A food that people eat during a special event 特殊场合吃的食物

15,A decision you made with the help of others  他人帮助下的决定

16,A good piece of news you heard recently ( on the Internet) 好消息

17,A place you want to visit inthe future 将来想去的地方

18,A book you want to write 一本你想写的书

19,Something helped your study or work 帮助你学习的东西

20,Something you bought but didn’t use 一个买来不常用的东西

21,A thing when you don’t have enough time to do  一件你想做却没时间做的事

22,A subject you don’t like at school but now you like 以前不喜欢现在喜欢的科目

23,A free time 休闲时光

24,An interesting old people  有趣的老人

25,An occasion you teach someone something new   你教别人新东西

26,Describe an ideal house  理想之家

27,A time that you were cheated 被骗的经历(when+ who+ why+ how fell)

28,A time you had problem about a piece of equipment 设备问题

29,A TV program or movie made you laugh 让你发笑的电视节目

30,A change happened in your area recently   家乡近期改变

31,A peice of good news 一个好消息

32,Describe some useful skills you learned in a math class from your primary/high school 小学或高中数学课堂中学到有用的技能

33,Describe someone you want to be similar in the future 未来你想成为的人

34,Describe a party you enjoyed 你享受过的聚会

35,Desribe your grandparents’ job 介绍你爷爷奶奶的工作

36,Find something someone lost 捡到某人丢失的东西

37,Describe a book you have read recently 介绍你最近读过的书

Part2 老题(17个)

1、a second language  二语

2、a party  派对

3、the most interesting part inyour country  有趣的地方

4、a good law   法律

5、something that someone lost    丢失的东西

6、a time you received money as gift   钱作为礼物

7、a thing you need    急需的东西

8、an interesting people you’ve   met  有趣的人

9、an interesting speech    有趣的演讲

10、a family business       家族企业

11、a book you recently read   最近读的书

12、a difficult skill       很难的技能

13、a bad service you received   糟糕的服务

14、a famous person you like    名人 

15、a game you enjoyed during your childhood 童年

16、a teenager you know well 熟悉的青少年

17、something borrowed from friends 你借的一样东西
