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干货│雅思口语干货part2 (2)

# 口语 # 素材范文 # 学习方法

发布时间:2018-12-27 杭州greenpath教育


15.Describe an interesting talk or lecture you heard recently. 演讲

You should say:

when and where you heard it; 

what the talk or lecture was about;

who gave the talk or lecture; 

and explain why you think it was interesting.


16. Describe a game (not a sport) you enjoyed when you were a child. 童年游戏

You should say:

what the game was;

when and where you played it;

how you played it;

and explain why you enjoyed this game.


17.Describe a skill that took you a long time to learn.技能

You should say:

what skill it was;

how long it took you to learn it;

how you learnt it;

and explain how useful the skill was. 


18.Describe a time you received something you wanted. 合心意的礼物

You should say:

what it was; 

who gave it to you;

what you wanted it for;

and explain how you felt when you received it.


19.Describe a time you made a complaint and were satisfied with the result.投诉的经历

You should say:

who you complained to;

what you complained about;

why you complained; 

and explain how you felt about the result. 


20.Describe an occasion when a home appliance broke down or stopped working. 电器坏了的经历

You should say: 

what the equipment was; 

how it was broken; 

how this affected your life; 

and explain how you handled the situation.


21.Describe an important decision you made with the help of others. 别人帮助下的决定

You should say:

what it was about;

who helped you make this decision;

what happened after the decision was made; 

and explain how you felt about the decision.


22.Describe a film or a TV program that made you laugh. 高校的电影或电视

You should say: 

what type of film or TV program it was; 

who the actors were; 

what the film or TV

program was about; 

and explain why it made you laugh.


23.Describe a good law in your country. 法律

You should say: 

what the law is; 

how you first learned about it; 

who the law affects;

and explain why you think this is a good law.


24.Describe a successful family business you know.家族生意

You should say:

what kind of business it does;

how you got to know it;

what kind of customers

they serve;

and explain how you feel about this family business.


25.Describe a second foreign language you would like to learn.想学的二外

You should say:

what it is and where it is spoken;

how you would learn it;

what difficulties you

might have when learning it;

and explain why you would choose to study this language.


26.Describe an occasion when you were scared. 恐惧时刻

You should say:

when it happened;

where you were;

who you were with;

 why you were scared;

How you felt about it.


27.Describe a time when you had some medicine 吃药的时刻

You should say:

when it happened;

who gave it to you;

why you had it;

And how you felt about it.
