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干货│雅思口语part2 (1)

# 口语 # 素材范文 # 学习方法

发布时间:2018-12-27 杭州greenpath教育


1.Describe an interesting person you would like to meet.


You should say:

who the person is; 

what the person does;

where you got to know about the person; 

and explain why you would like to meet him or her.


2.Describe a teenager you know. 少年

You should say:

who he or she is;

how you got to know him or her;

what you usually do together; 

and explain how you feel about him or her. 


3.Describe a person who does something to help protect the environment.环保的人

You should say:

who this person is; 

what he or she does to protect the environment;

how difficult it is to do that;

and explain how you feel about the things this person does. 


4.Describe a beautiful city you visited.美丽城市

You should say: 

where it was; 

what it was famous for;

how you got to know about the city; 

and explain how you felt about this city.


5.Describe an indoor or outdoor place where you can study. 学习的地方

You should say:

where it is;

when you usually go there;

why you go there;

and explain how you feel about this place.


6.Describe an interesting part of your country. 有趣的地方

You should say: 

where it is; 

you got to know about it;

what it is famous for; 

and explain why you think it is interesting. 


7.Describe a place you would like to travel to that is far away from your home.长途旅行

You should say:

where it would be;

how you would like to go there;

what you would do there;

and explain why you would like to go there.


8.Describe an important plant in your country (such as fruits, flowers or vegetables) that you like. 植物

You should say:

what it is; 

what it looks like;  

where it grows;

and explain why you like it.


9.Describe a book you recently read.最近读的书

You should say:    

when and where you read this book; 

what it was about;

why you read this book; 

and explain how you felt about this book.


10.Describe a gift to someone that you made by yourself.亲手制作

You should say: 

what the gift was; 

who you gave it to; 

why you made the gift by yourself; 

and explain how the other person reacted to this gift.


11.Describe a time someone gave you money as a gift.红包

You should say:

who gave it to you;

when this person gave it to you;

what you did with the money;

and explain how you felt about this gift. 


12.Describe an activity you do when you are alone in your free time.一个人的活动

You should say:

what it is; 

where you usually do it; 

how often you do it; 

and explain how you felt about doing this activity.


13.Describe a time you looked for information on the internet.在线搜索

You should say:

what you looked for;

when you looked for it;

where you found the information;

and explain how you felt about the experience. 


14.Describe a time you borrowed something useful from others. 借东西

You should say: 

what you borrowed; 

who you borrowed it from; 

what you borrowed it for; 

and explain why it was useful to you.
