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石家庄朗阁 石家庄朗阁英语培训中心只为高分梦想! 在线咨询



# 写作 # 素材范文

发布时间:2018-12-24 石家庄朗阁


Some people think the money spent developing the technology for space exploration is not justified. There are more beneficial ways to spend this money. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


这道题目属于一类比较常见的政府职责类问题:即问你政府究竟该怎么样去分配预算或是否改在某个领域花纳税人的钱。常见的问题比如有:政府该不该在art,protecting animals,minor languages 或者政府该不该去花钱举办big sport events。


1. 这个领域是否会花费太多资金。比如艺术领域的资金花费就不会占预算很大比重,所以跟其他民生方面的投入不会冲突。但是举办大型体育赛事所涉及的大量资金投入可能就会影响社会其他关键领域的发展

2. 这个国家本身是否富裕。很显然,发达国家自然可以花钱去做一些貌似没那么重要的事情,比如艺术发展。但发展中国家或贫困国家最好还是把钱花在刀刃上,在预算有限的情况下应该优先解决最迫切的问题,如教育医疗基础建设。


Recent decades have witnessed human’s ever-rising enthusiasm for exploring outer space, and a great deal of money has been invested in the technology involved in space exploration. However, it is argued that government funding for exploring the universe is not worthwhile, and this money could be better used in many other more important areas. Personally, I partly disagree with this opinion.

On the one hand, I agree with the arguments against government funding for space exploration, particularly in less developed and developing countries. The main reason is that governments have more important concerns. For example, state budgets should be spent on education, healthcare, infrastructure and security. These public services are much more vital for a country to function properly, while space exploration, to most people, is only a luxury with little practical benefits. Thus it is ridiculous for a country with inadequate budget to waste money on exploring the universe when there are so many other problems which have not been solved yet.

However it is wrong to say space technology is totally unhelpful and meaningless. I believe that the money spent on advancing space exploration is rewarding because firstly it satisfies our basic curiosity. Human beings have always been eager to look for the answers about whether there are other intelligent life form in the universe or how life originates and evolves. The answers to these questions can help us better understand the universe as well as humans ourselves. A more practical benefit that space exploration can bring about is that it may help us overcome potential threats in the future. For example, once the technology is advanced enough for human to exploit or even settle on some habitable planets, we may be less worried about the problems of overpopulation and energy crisis on Earth.

Although there are many other human problems in countries which are rich and developed, it is possible for those countries to deal with different problems simultaneously. More importantly, the developed countries have sufficient money which allows them to afford the large expenditure on developing space technology and the risk of any failure.
