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# 写作 # 素材范文

发布时间:2018-12-14 南京超级学长




1、profit from从……当中获益

例句:People the world over have profited enormously(极大地)from the co-operation across national borders(边界),in terms of both efficiency and flexibility ( the range of choices).

详解:近义句型:sth.  is in the best interest of someone


 2、A is an indispensable /integral part of B A是B不可缺少的一部分

例句:The Internet has become an indispensable part of modern life as it profoundly(深刻地) influences the way we live, work, co-operate and compete.

详解:近义句型:There is no substitute(替代物)for

      反义词汇:is insignificant/negligible是无足轻重的


3、is the cornerstone of…是……的基石

例句:In most modern countries,the family unit is still the cornerstone cf society.

详解:近义句型:is the bedrock of../is fundamental to..


4、enable sb. to do sth让某人可以去做……

例句:Computerisation and digitisation(数码化)enable factories to cut their production costs substantially(大幅度地).

详解:近义句型:equip sb with the ability to do sth


5、get accustomed to sth.适应……

例句:Due to the different cultural backgrounds, some international businesspeople have a hard time getting accustomed to the local way of marketing.

详解:近义句型:get used to / adapt to / adjust to


6、can utilise sth可以使用……=can use

例句:The current(现在的,目前的)problem for the government is how best to utilise resources it has now rather than how to increase its resources.

详解:近义句型:make use of sth/exploit sth

      反义句型:squander ( money / time / opportunities / chances)浪费某事物


7、 strike a balance between A and B在A和B之间保持一种平衡

例句:Due to the increasing stress and the rising demand for their time at work, most married adults need learn to strike a balance between their work and their family

详解:近义句型 maintain a balance between.and

      反义句型 lose/upset/disturb the balance between .and

8、assume / shoulder the responsibility for...承担起……的责任

例句:Educators should assume the responsibility for ensuring that their students do not go astray(误入歧途)academically, psychologically or socially.

详解:反义句型:shirk responsibility / duty逃避责任

      go astray是教育话题的常用句型,类似的句型还有be misguided(受到误导)


9、sth. has been consolidating its status as the某事物在不断加固它作为··…的地位

例句:English has been consolidating its status as the dominant(占统治地位的)

language in the world,which has left many languages endangered.

详解:反义句型:lose its status as the.失去作为……的地位


10、raw on借鉴(别人的经验,知识等)

例句:Those who have spent some time traveling to other places have a broader view oflife and better personal resources to draw on(剑桥例句)




1、... is accompanied by...某种好的现象伴随着某种坏的现象

例句:The staggering人的)advancement of technology is accompanied by severe

      pollution of the ecosystem.

详解:近义句型is attended by

      对比:is prior to..先于……发生


2、sth. is unwarranted/ unjustified某种做法很不合理

例句:The amount of money super stars can earn in a short time cannot possibly be justified by the amount of work they do.(剑桥例句)

详解:反义句型:sth. With is justified / justifiable某种做法是站得住脚的


3、be afflicted遭受……

例句:A host of(大量的)African countries are being afflicted with chronic(长期的)

      poverty and lasting war.

详解:近义句型:suffer from / be plagued with

     反义句型:be free from 免于遭受


4、deprive someone of sth.剥夺某人的(自由、权力或者某种生活方式)

例句:Modern cities deprive city-dwellers(城市居民)of fresh air and the comfortable pace of life.

详解:近义句型:violate one's rights /infringe on one's rights侵犯某人的权利


5、sth. impels sb. to..促使某人去……

例句:It is the increasing peer pressure(同辈间的压力)that impels many youngsters to start smoking or drinking at an early age.

详解:请注意上面例句中强调句It is... that…的使用

      近义句型:prompt sb. to..


6、A has rendered A十B形容词或者名词A让B变成某种(让人担心的状态)

例句:The upgrade in the IT industry has rendered millions of old computers obsolete(过时的).


      sth. useless / unprotected(受不到任何保护的)/ pointless(没有意义的)


7、 sth.  is the root cause of...某事是……的根源

例句:The population explosion is the root cause of water scarcity(短缺)

详解:反义句型:On the surface,....is caused by...表面上,某事是由··…导致的


8、be confronted with sth.面对(某种负面的事物)

例句:We will be confronted with this question at some point, no matter how unpleasant it can be.


外媒体就写到:Tiger Woods is now confronted with trouble created by himself一all the news about his multiple affairs.


9、be inundated with sth.充斥着……

例句:International trade has rendered many markets in developing countries inundated with foreign products that they do not really need.

详解:近义句型:be saturated with sth

      反义句型:lack sth./be deficient in sth.缺乏··…


10、If... , sth. will ensue如果.....(某种不好的结果)将产生

例句:If parents neglect(忽视) their offspring,lack of discipline(纪律)and respect will ensue

详解:近义句型:If..,sth. will arise(注意这里不是rise)
