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雅思考试:读外刊来了解native speaker 的文章逻辑(二)

# 阅读 # 素材范文 # 资源推荐

发布时间:2019-11-29 成都澎博英语



雅思考试:读外刊来了解native speaker 的文章逻辑(二)_图1

Genome mining has attracted hundreds of millions of dollars in investment as the cost to sequence DNA has shrunk and the capacity to store digitized biological data has surged, allowing researchers to expand their knowledge of the microscopic organisms that live almost everywhere on Earth, inhabiting soils, sea sponges, and the human gut. Although previous corporate efforts failed to produce commercially viable drugs—because of growing costs and a dearth of genome data—Hexagon’s generation of startups is poised to profit from advances in molecular biology and computational software.

digitized (adj):数字化的 

surge (vi): 飙升 

microscopic (adj): 微小的 

inhabit (vt): 居住于 

sea sponge: 海绵 

gut (n):内脏 

viable (adj): 可存活的,行得通的 

dearth (n):匮乏  

start-up (n):启动 

poised (adj):镇定的


雅思考试:读外刊来了解native speaker 的文章逻辑(二)_图2

In May, Lodo Therapeutics Corp. inked a genome-mining deal with a unit of Roche Holding AG for as much as $969 million. In January, Pizer Inc. invested $162 million in a microbe-mining agreement with Adapsyn Bioscience Inc. of Hamilton, Ont. Startup LifeMine Therapeutics Inc., in Cambridge, Mass., scored $55 million in venture capital. Despite the influx of cash, gene mining won’t be a cure-all for the drug industry, says Terry Roemer, chief scientific officer of Prokaryotics Inc. Once a compound has been shown to have the right properties, a company still faces plenty of hurdles—regulatory and otherwise—in turning it into a lifesaving medication, says Roemer, whose New Jersey-based business uses genomic tools to study human pathogens and develop drugs that target disease.

corp.: 集团公司 

ink a deal with: 与…达成协议 

genome mining: 基因研究 

microbe mining: 微生物研究 

startup: 创业公司

score (vt): 获得(后面多用数字) venture capital: 风投 

hurdle (n): 障碍 

pathogen (n): 病毒,细菌 

第六段首先陈述了两个事实:1. 近期不同公司共同开展基因与微生物研究。2.研究成本非常大。即便如此,一家名为Prokaryotics的公司负责人道出了另一个残酷的事实:基因研究无法使制药产业一劳永逸。此外,另一家致力于基因工程,研究人类疾病与研发精确药物的公司老板说,虽然特定DNA序列所产生的化合物会表现出利好特征(如杀死癌细胞或病毒蛋白质),但制药公司会面临许多生产线管理以及其他方面的困难。

雅思考试:读外刊来了解native speaker 的文章逻辑(二)_图3

Those obstacles have Hexagon looking for other ways to get an edge on competitors. Along with DNA sequencing and automated workstations, it’s also using new technology that helps make it cheaper and easier to synthesize a physical copy of DNA. Hexagon essentially downloads and prints copies of gene clusters rather than laboriously cloning that DNA from wild fungi. Once the data team picks out a set of genes, the company sends an order to a commercial DNA vendor that prints out custom strands. Back inside the Hexagon office, Brandon Burr, a software engineer, demonstrates how he can redesign a yeast with the press of a button. “I’m just dragging and dropping genes,” he says. A cure could be a click away. — Peter Andrey Smith

obstacle (n): 障碍 

edge (n): 优势 

synthesize (vt): 合成 

vendor (n): 销售商 

strand (n): (一)缕,串



1. 通过对每一段落翻译理解,我们能清晰地看出作者行文思路。虽然标题为This Fungus Could Help Cure Cancer,但文章重点却放在制药公司在真菌抗癌基因的研究上。cure cancer只是一个噱头,吸引读者眼球罢了,真正找到真菌中抗癌DNA序列还需要进一步研究。

2. 文中生词虽然已在每段下方标出,但通过翻译对比不难发现,单词用法远远超出本意范围,简言之,只背英语单词无法考好雅思托福,真正需要做的,是大量阅读,大量段落理解(paraphrase),大量写作练习。最复杂的单词绝不是最地道的表达,因为领域不同,即便意思相同,用词也不一样。哪些地道?阅读外刊就能知道。

3. 科普类文章经常在雅思,托福以及SAT考试中出现,因此读懂此类文章的重要性不言而喻。为何有同学总是抱怨做题很难找到证据关键点?原因很简单:文章理解程度只有五分熟,甚至不到。只有读懂全文,分析作者写作意图甚至批判作者行文方式才会对全文印象深刻。对文章的理解不仅仅停留在字面理解,更重要的是去揣摩段与段之间的关系,作者每句话的目的,甚至“过分”点,心里思考该如何修改文章。达到以上阅读策略需要平时多阅读原版外刊,积累单词,关注不同学科的新闻等等。
