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# 阅读 # 应试技巧 # 学习方法

发布时间:2019-10-28 杭州朗阁





1. 因果关系

信号词:基本因果关系词(due to,because of……,depend on, ...有关(beassociated with), ...有影响(influence, effect, impact), determinedecide

例题:剑11 T2P3

In thesecond paragraph, the writer refers to a shape-matching test in order toillustrate

A. thesubjective nature of art appreciation

B. thereliance of modern art on abstract forms.

C. ourtendency to be influenced by the opinions of others.

D. acommon problem encountered when processing visual data.

原文:Couldthe same approach also shed light on abstract twentieth-century pieces, fromMondrian's geometrical blocks of colour, to Pollock's seemingly haphazardarrangements of splashed paint on canvas? Sceptics believe that people claim tolike such works simply because they are famous. We certainly do have aninclination to follow the crowd. When asked to make simple perceptual decisionssuch as matching a shape to its rotated image, for example, people often choosea definitively wrong answer if they see others doing the same. It is easy toimagine that this mentality would have even more impact on a fuzzy concept likeart appreciation, where there is no right or wrong answer.


 2. 否定关系

信号词:not, 否定前缀,lack,prevent, little等等。

例题:剑6 T4 P3

Thewriter thinks that the declaration“There is no bullying at this school”

A. isno longer true in many schools

B. wasnot in fact made by many schools

C.reflected the school’s lack of concern

D.reflected a lack of knowledge and resources

原文C段:Untilrecently, not much was known about the topic, and little help was available toteachers to deal with bullying. Perhaps as a consequence, schools would oftendeny the problem. “There is no bullying at this school” has been a commonrefrain, almost certainly untrue.

此题分析选项后发现,四个选项均为否定关系,那么只需要找到答案句当中所有的否定关系,一一排除即可。首先发现第一句的”notmuch was known”“littlehelp”为否定,第二句的”untrue”为否定,接着比对选项,寻找同义替换,A似乎可以替换untrue,nolonger 暗含不再,具有绝对语气,故排除AB虽然是否定,但从理解的角度来看,与原文意思冲突,故排除;CD均表示缺少的概念,但并未提到缺少关心,注意不要主观推断,故正确答案为Dknown替换knowledge,help替换resources

 3. 对比关系

信号词:比较级,最高级,ratherthan, prefer to, similar, unlike等等

例题:剑10 T2P3

Thewriter says that unlike other forms of art, a painting does not

A.involve direct contact with an audience.

B.require a specific location for a performance.

C. needthe involvement of other professionals.

D. havea specific beginning or end.

原文:Afundamental difference between paintings and other art forms is that there isno prescribed time over which a painting is viewed. By contrast, the audienceencounters an opera or a play over a specific time, which is the duration ofthe performance. Similarly, novels and poems are read in a prescribed temporalsequence, whereas a picture has no clear place at which to start viewings or atwhich to finish. Thus art works themselves encourage us to view themsuperficially, without appreciating the richness of detail and labour that isinvolved.

 此题重点在审题,其中暗含了两个逻辑关系,比较“unlike”和否定“not”,此时回到答案句,只需要找出有比较关系和否定关系的句子,很快就会发现,以“similarly”开头的一句话,正是此题的答案,经过替换,可以发现,正确答案为D“beginningor end”替换”startend“
