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成都澎博英语 澎博英语助力梦想 在线咨询



# 语法 # 应试技巧 # 学习方法

发布时间:2019-10-25 成都澎博英语



  写作中的语法问题应该说是前面三项成立的前提,没有完整的句子何谈词汇,何谈内容与逻辑。雅思写作评分标准的第四条是grammatical range and accuracy, 其中的range显然指的即句式多样性,accuracy则指的是句子的准确性。烤鸭们在写作基础阶段学习的是一些基础的句型结构,来实现基本的句型多样化目的。但部分学生对句子把控能力很差,经常出现各种基础的语法错误,考生们需要学会整理好易错点,避免这些最基础的错误。




  Some people think that universities should provide graduates with the knowledge and skills needed in the workplace. Others think that the true function of a university should be to give access to knowledge for its own sake, regardless of whether the course is useful to an employer.

  What, in your opinion, should be the main function of a university?


  The first reason for universities should provide these knowledge and skill is the students’ needs. Obviously, the most of the students go to university purpose of is to get some knowledge and skills which could make them have the ability to get a job. If a university do not provide these knowledge and skills, the students might not get a job and they would be very disappointed. As a result, the university would lost its students.

  Moreover, providing knowledge and skills needed in the workplace makes a university progress, the new skills and information always are initiated in the workplace, so focusing on the needs of the workplace the university could get sound strategies to do research and make it more modernization.

  Lastly, providing these knowledge and skills could benefit our country which usually gives a financial support to universities. Having these knowledge and skills, students are more easy to get a job, and this can make our countries’ economy strong.

  通过阅读这段话,我们可以看出划线部分犯的一些常见语法错误。首先,these和is主谓不一致。其次,划线部分的长句完全是中式翻译,一句话里面出现了两个动词。a university和do也是主谓不一致。最后的would lost在于情态动词后要加动词原形。在第二个论点里面,最明显的错误就是最后modernization的拼写问题以及词性问题。第三个论点中的比较级错误,应该使用easier。这三段学生习作分析了一些常犯的语法问题,希望其他同学能引起重视。因为语法错误太多,上6分是不太可能的。基础第一位。



  语法的多样性往往在6分的作文中就应该得到体现。何为多样性,就是多变句式原则,写作句式不重复,我们就要用到各种句型,比如说简单句、并列句、从句、倒装句、被动句、非谓语动词、插入语、It句型等。可以以定语为例:定语可以是从句,可以是介词短语,还可以是形容词短语。如想表达梦想是出国留学的学生,我们可以表达成students who dream of going abroad = students with the dream of going abroad = students dreaming of going abroad。

  除了应用不同的句型之外,也可以采用变换主语的方式来做到句型的多样性,而不是都用人称作主语,比如说:被动态、非谓语做主语、形式主语it,以及there be句型的使用。能够熟练其中的几种就可以很好地进行句式的转变。我们可以看一道2012年2月的考题,考的是学生是否应该参加课外活动:

  Full-time university students need to spend a lot of time on study, but it is essential to get involved in other activities. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  First of all, students can cultivate and enhance their communication skills when they get involved in activities. When they work together with other individuals, they learn to communicate. They can gain more self-confidence, autonomy and appreciation for others’ similarities and differences. At the same time, they can make more friends in the process of communication. They can build up social networks for their future career.



  First of all, their communication skills could be cultivated and enhanced when they get involved in activities. When working together with other individuals, students learn to communicate and gain more self-confidence, autonomy and appreciation for others’ similarities and difference. At the same time, there are many friends made in the process of communication. It helps to build up social networks for their future career.

成都澎博英语(Prospect English)隶属于四川澎博教育咨询有限公司,由海归创业者及国内培训界名师创办,开设雅思托福培训、SAT/ACT培训、GRE/GMAT培训等留学英语培训课程、成人英语、商务英语等培训课程。我们深谙海外培训学校“低效散漫”和国内培训学校“急功近利,夸大技巧”的弊病,志在“用心”教授学生真正的语言“学习方法”,80%以上海归顶级教师团队经验丰富,擅长Role-Playing教学法,打造中西方结合的高效学习模式,不只帮助学生通过考试,更让其能顺利适应海外生活和大学专业授课。
