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广州雅思英语学校 成就留学梦想,跨入世界名校 在线咨询



# 综合 # 应试技巧 # 素材范文 # 真题解析

发布时间:2019-08-12 广州雅思英语学校



  1. 基本能完成任务或者呼应任务,会有部分小遗漏,但不碍于整体;

  2. 用词大部分准确,部分时候用词能显得跳一下,用出一点让人眼前一亮的表达;

  3. 几乎或者只有很少(2-3个以内)的语法错误;

  4. 能熟练切换简单句和复合句及复杂句;

  5. 连接手段看起来丰富,但是偶尔会有用不到点子或者用得比较呆板的情况;

  6. 无论大小作文规划结构时都有整体逻辑,一段说一事,聚焦本段重心不乱发散;

  7. 段落内部的表达逻辑清晰,能够较好地呼应题目要求(比如小作文讲究抓特征抓趋势多对比,大作文讲究呼应题目的讨论范围和讨论细节以及写作要求)。


  The pie chart below shows the main reasons why students chose to study at a particular UK university in 1987 and in 2007. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparison where relevant.

  The chart demonstrates the primary reasons why students chose to study at a specific UK university in 1987 and in 2017.

  Much more students who chose a particular university of UK because it was close to their parental home in 2007 than in 1987 the advantage of good sports and social activities for a university seemed become less competitive than before. It was projected that the university will focus on local students.

  The number of students who chose a university based on the suitable degree courses remained a high percentage and met a gentle rise (from 35% to 37%). Similar situation happened in the aspect of those who chose university based on the quality of teaching, which went up from 15% to 18%.

  Surprisingly,the students who chose university because of short distance to parental home came up dramatically by 12%. However, the reason of good sports and activities dropped conspicuously by 13%(from 19% to 6%). Decrease also happened at the part of good sports and social realities by 4%.



  在雅思大小作文以及口语考试中,对词汇表达以及语法句型结构的丰富性表达都非常看重。尤其对于题目中出现过的要素,在文章和回答中最好都替换掉,如问中红笔标出来的几处重复表达:choose:select/opt for/enroll/ apply for/take …into consideration/ 这些近义词,甚至下义词或表达都可以使用。

  此外,原题中给出的几大考量因素这篇小作文都尽量做了替换,这点很好。可以掌握这些替换:high-quality teaching/offering scholarships/hardware facilities




  Organized tour to remote community and other countries is increasingly popular. Is it a positive or negative development for the local people and environment?


  Generally, organized tour to other countries have gained a wide popularity in today’s society. Although it is insisted by some that it provides us a lot of benefits, it also brings some adverse outcomes to people and environment. I regard this phenomenon has both beneficial and adverse impacts on local residents and environmental quality.

  On the one hand, traveling to remote countryside and countries offers some unique benefits. In domestic, contacts between city and rural is necessary for the reason that it can improve the development of countryside, which is strongly advocated by government. Besides, it is helpful for some urban people who like complaining about the difficult of life to feel satisfied about their living conditions. In other countries, we can learn a lot by cross-border communication such as the way to protect the environment and we can also promote the economy be purchasing and selling substances.

  On the other hand, there are also some negative aspects which are inevitable. Regarding to indigenous citizens, who always complain about the huge population of tourists have brought them an abundance of inconvenience, especially for those who live in or very near to the scenic region, are easily disturbed by the loud voice of tour guide or the visit of tourists. In addition to that, the cause of environment problem by tourist is one of the top prior that would like to be solved by government. Visitors always leave thousands of abundant substance in the scenic region and pollute the local environment.

  To sum up, it is true that there are lots of benefits for travelling, but it also has some negative effects. As far as am concerned, organized tour can bring both positive and negative impacts to target city or countries by different approaches.
