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# 听力 # 应试技巧 # 学习方法

发布时间:2019-07-23 广州雅思英语学校

剑桥雅思真题对于雅思备考的同学们来说,可以说是必不可少的练习资料。今天为大家带来了剑桥雅思14听力test2答案解析,希望大家能 结合剑桥雅思听力练习,顺利的通过雅思听力考试,大家一定要对自己有自信哦。

       Section 2

  Question 11


  定位原文:However, when Queen Elizabeth I announced that she was going to visit the castle in 1576 it was beginning to look a bit run down, and it was decided that rather than repair the guest rooms, they’d make a new house for her out of wood next to the main hall.

  解题思路:本题定位词为Queen Elizabeth I和1576。当Queen Elizabeth I准备参观城堡时,城堡主人觉得与其花时间去修复guest rooms,不如在主楼附近重新建一座新的房子。所以本题答案为B。

  Question 12


  定位原文:By 1982 the Fenys family could no longer afford to maintain the castle, even though they received government support, and they put it on the market. It was eventually taken over by a company who owned a number of amusement parks。

  解题思路:本题定位词为1982。听力中提及,到1982年时,the Fenys family已经无法负担城堡的维护费用了,他们把城堡放到市场上买卖,最后被一家经营游乐园的公司买走了。所以本题的答案为C,城堡最后被卖给了一家娱乐公司。

  Question 13


  定位原文:When you go inside, you’ll find that in the state rooms there are life-like moving wax models dressed in costumes of different periods in the past, which even carry on conversations together.

  解题思路:本题定位词只有some of rooms,不太好定位。听力中提及,如果你走进去,在state rooms里会有些移动的蜡像,穿着各个时期的服装。所以本题答案选C。本题容易错选B,听力中的carry on conversations容易让考生误以为是真人演员在对话,但实际上指的是蜡像很仿真,甚至可以进行对话。

  Question 14


  定位原文:The castle park’s quite extensive. At one time sheep were kept there, and in the nineteenth century the owners had a little zoo with animals like rabbits and even a baby elephant. Nowadays the old zoo buildings are used for public displays of paintings and sculpture. The park also has some beautiful trees, though the oldest of all, which dated back 800 years, was sadly blown down in 1987.

  解题思路:本题的定位词是castle park,听力中是原文重现,定位难度不高。但听力中设置了很多的干扰信息。先说castle park养了羊,然后是建了个小动物园,原来的小动物园现在被用来做艺术展览。castle park有很多800年树龄的老树但是1987被风吹倒了。题目问现在在castle park,参观者可以看到什么?答案只能是艺术展览。

  Question 15


  定位原文:At the end of our visit we’ll all meet together at the bottom of the Great Staircase. We’ll then go on to the long gallery, where there’s a wonderful collection of photographs showing the family who owned the castle a hundred years ago having tea and cakes in the conservatory - and we’ll then take you to the same place, where afternoon tea will be served to you.

  解题思路:本题的定位词是at the end of the visit,听力中是原文重现。本题考察的是对听力细节的理解。听力中提及,参观的最后,会在Great Staircase尽头集合,然后去long gallery,里面会有百年前城堡主人的照片,最后在conservatory喝下午茶。只有A选项与听力细节信息相符。

  Question 16


  定位原文:If you want to get a good view of the whole castle, you can walk around the walls. The starting point’s quite near the main entrance - walk straight down the path until you get to the south gate, and it’s just there.

  解题思路:本题的定位词是starting point和walk around the walls,听力中是原文重现,因此本题定位比较容易。听力中提及,starting point是在south gate那里。因此答案选H。

  Question 17


  定位原文:There’ll shortly be a show in which you can see archers displaying their skill with a bow and arrow. The quickest way to get there is to take the first left after the main entrance and follow the path past the bridge, then you’ll see it in front of you at the end.

  解题思路:本题的定位词是bow and arrow display,听力中基本是原文重现的。因此本题的难度不在于定位而在于对听力细节信息的理解。听力中提及,最快的路线是从main entrance出发往左转,沿着一条past the bridge的路一直走到头。这里很多考生会误选G,误选的原因是错误地理解了past the bridge,past的意思不是穿过桥,而是超过桥,也就是说这条路不需要过桥。因此本题的答案只有D选项。

  Question 18


  定位原文:If you like animals there’s also a display of hunting birds - falcons and eagles and so on. If you go from the main entrance in the direction of the south gate, but turn right before you get there instead of going through it, you’ll see it on your right past the first tower.

  解题思路:本题的定位词是hunting birds display,听力中基本是原文重现的。

  本题考察的是对听力细节信息的理解。听力中提及,去hunting birds display,从main entrance出发,往南门的方向走,但是不用走到南门,途中就往右转,沿着路走过第一个塔之后就能看到了。因此答案是选F。

  Question 19


  定位原文:At 3 pm there’s a short performance of traditional dancing on the outdoor stage. That’s right at the other side of the castle from the entrance, and over the bridge.

  解题思路:本题的定位词是traditional dancing,听力中是原文重现的。本题比较容易得分。因为听力中提及,traditional dancing的地点是在城堡main entrance的另一端,并且需要过桥。这样的地点只有一个,那就是本题的正确选项A。

  Question 20


  定位原文:And finally the shop. It’s actually inside one of the towers, but the way in is from the outside. Just take the first left after the main entrance, go down the path and take the first right. It’s got some lovely gifts and souvenirs.

  解题思路:本题的定位词是shop,听力中是原文重现的。本题可以通过排除法来做。首先,根据inside one of the towers,将答案范围缩小至两个选项:E和C;观察地图可知,E和C一个在main entrance的左边,一个在右边;再根据take the first left after the main entrance,直接定位到E。
