北木教育 > 雅思 > 雅思文章 > 【雅思预测】2019年7月20日雅思口语机经预测

广州雅思英语学校 成就留学梦想,跨入世界名校 在线咨询



# 口语 # 题型介绍 # 考题预测

发布时间:2019-07-02 广州雅思英语学校



  1. What does perfume mean to you?

  Well, for me, I think perfume is a special decoration and is also a signal of one’s personality and hobbies. For instance, if a lady wears a perfume that has a rose’s flavor, it might indicate that she is romantic and tends to date with romantic men.

  2. Do you give perfume as a gift?

  Yes, I do give perfume as a gift. Last winter, I traveled to Egypt, a country famous for its perfume. When I was in its capital Cairo, I found a very special perfume and I bought it for my mom. My mom was very delighted and fascinated by my gift, and she now often wears it when going out.

  3. Do you use perfume?

  I do use perfume sometimes, but I do not use it on daily basis. When attending some important events, such as weddings, ceremonies or formal dinners, I would use some perfume on my suit. However, I am not a fan of perfume in daily life, and do not use it frequently.

  4. What kind of perfume do you like?

  Personally speaking, in comparison to those perfumes with very strong flavors, I prefer those with lighter flavors. For example, I enjoy perfumes with natural flavors such as flowers or woods, as I consider it is more suitable for a boy, and is also more acceptable for others.

  Social network

  1. Do you think it is good to make friends online?

  From you point of view, I think it is a good way to make friends online, mainly because for me, I think making friends online enables me to get to know people from different backgrounds without any limits imposed by space or time. Also, communicating online can avoid embarrassment and make it easier to make friends.

  2. What are the disadvantages of social networking apps?

  Well, I think one of the greatest disadvantages of social networking apps is that it can make someone addicted and prevent him or her from enjoying one’s real life. For instance, many of my friends spend so much time online with social networking apps that they fail to have real-life communication with their peers.

  3. Why do you use social networking apps?

  For me, one of the reasons I use social networking apps is that it makes it more convenient to communicate and interact with my friends, and it enables me to get to know more friends residing far away from me. I enjoyed using them since it gives me a sense of belonging and friendship.

  4. How often do you use social networking apps?

  Well, I have to admit that I am among those addicted to social networking apps. On average, I use them for nearly 4 hours every single day. I use them to communicate with my friends, my teachers and even my family, and I also rely on them to reach new friends who share the same hobbies with me.


  1. Do you think your city is clean or not?

  Actually I think my city is pretty clean. Although it can be a bit dirty sometimes after huge rain or great events, the city is always taken care of by a bunch of hardworking cleaners, who help the city maintain clean and beautiful. As citizens, we should keep our city clean as well.

  2. How do you feel when you see people throwing garbage on the street?

  When witnessing people throwing garbage on the street, I always feel very angry, because I think as citizens we all have the responsibility to take care of the city and abide by the regulations. Only by doing this can we build a beautiful and clean home.

  3. Why do some people throw garbage on the street?

  From my understanding, I think people throw garbage on the street mainly because they find it is a more convenient way to get rid of the garbage than throwing it in the garbage bin. Also, I would say it is because there are not enough garbage bins around the city.

  4. What do you do with garbage when you are on the street?

  When I am on the street, first of all I myself would never throw garbage randomly, and would always help keep the street clean. Secondly, if I pass by a piece of garbage on the street, I usually volunteer to pick it up and throw it into the nearest garbage bin.
