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# 语法 # 应试技巧 # 学习方法 # 真题解析

发布时间:2019-04-24 南京青梦家教育



1. A few years ago, inone of  the most fascinating anddisturbing  experiments in  behavioral psychology, Stanley Milgram  of Yale University  tested  40 subjects from all walks  of life  for their willingness  to obey instructions given by a ‘leader’  in a situation  in which the subjects might feel a personaldistaste for the actions they were called upon to perform .C5P20L1

分析:修饰性的成分就是定语,最常见的就是形容词,有时也可以是名词或是数词。在本句中,themost fascinating and disturbing这个形容词就是用来形容experiment是什么样子的,是最棒也是最令人不安的;behavioral也是形容词,用来形容和限定后面的psychology,不是其他领域的心理学,而是行为心理学;但是Yale University就是名词,用来限定Stanley Milgram,他不是来自其他大学,而是来自耶鲁大学;40用来限定subjects,不是其他数字,就是40;以此类推,只要是用来形容修饰和限定性质的都是定语。后面的in which the subjects might feel a personal distaste for the actionsthey were called upon to perform这句话是用来形容前面的situation的,在这种处境中,什么样的处境中呢?主人公在表演的时候可能会感觉到一种自我厌恶的这么一种处境。由于这是一个句子,所以是定语从句。


2. Beyond the  practical  need to make order out of chaos, the rise  of dictionaries  is associated with the rise  of the English middle class ,  who were anxious to define and circumscribethe various world to conquerlexical as well as social and commercial .C5P16L21

分析:practical是个形容词,所以肯定是定语,意思表示“实际的”,dictionaries是个名词,用来限定rise,不是其他东西的增长,只是“字典”的增长;包括后面的the English middle class性质和dictionaries如出一辙。后面who were anxious to define and circumscribe the various world toconquerlexical as well as socialand commercial是一个用来修饰the English middle class的从句,是定语从句,意思是英国中产阶级对于定义词汇感到焦虑。


3. He was also helpedby six assistants,  two of whom diedwhilst the Dictionary was still in preparation. C5P17L4

分析:这句话比较短,容易看出two of whom died whilst theDictionary was still in preparation是用来修饰前面的six assistants的,是个定语从句,为什么是定语从句而不只是定语呢?因为这句话里有动词died,(was是嵌入的whilst引导的时间状语从句里的动词),有动词就成为句子了,所以是定语从句。而定语可能是形容词,或名词或数字,只要是修饰或限定就算。


4. Johnson wrote thedefinitions  of over 40000 words  , and illustrated their many meanings withsome  114000  quotations  drawn from  English writing in every subject, from theElizabethans to his own time.C5P17L10

分析:这句话中over 40000 words14000都是数字,分别用来限定definitionquotation的,Johnson写了关于超过40000个词的定义,而不是其他,做了114000个引用,而且这些引用来源于(drawn from)英语作品,而不是其他。


5. His approach to theproblems  that had worried writersthroughout the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries  was intensely practical.C5P16R6

分析:that had worried writers throughout the lateseventeenth and early eighteenth centuries是一个定语从句,用来修饰problems,而且在从句中that是充当成分的,had worried是谓语动词,所以that充当谓语动词前面的主语。


6. Johnson signed thecontract for the dictionary with the bookseller Robert Dosley at a breakfast  held at the Golden Anchor Inn .C5P16L18



7. What Milgram wastrying to discover was the number of teacher-subjects  who would be willing to administer the highestlevels of shock , even in the face of  strong personal and moral  revulsion against the rules and conditions  of the experiment .C5P20L27

分析:who would be willing to administer thehighest levels of shockwho引导的定语从句,因此肯定是用来形容人的,这句话意思是愿意使用最高伏特的电击;strong personal and moral则是纯形容词式的定语;最后的the experiment则是用名词作定语,用来形容前面的rules and conditions


8.  One’s first  inclination might be to argue that there mustbe some sort of built-in animal aggression  instinct  that was activated by the experiment , andthat Milgram’s teacher-subjects were just following a  genetic  need to discharge this  pent-up primal  urge onto the pupils by administering the electrical shock.C5P21L9

分析:one’s first是代词加形容词的定语,用来限定inclination(倾向)这个名词;built-in animal agression则是双重形容词加名词的形式来限定后面的instinct(本能,直觉);that was activated by the experiment则是一个简短的定语从句,用来修饰和形容instinctgenetic是一个形容词,pent-up primal则是两个形容词合在一起使用,用来形容urge(敦促);electrical是一个形容词,用来形容shock这个名词。


9. Most subjects inthe experiment see their behaviour in a larger context  that is benevolent and useful to society the pursuit of  scientific  truth. C5P21L19

分析:that is benevolent and useful to societythe pursuit of scientific truth这个整体都是用来修饰前面的context,是一个定语从句,其中that在从句中充当主语这个成分,后面跟个isis是系动词,所以整个句子是“主系表”的结构。“—”后面跟的是一个简单的解释说明。


10. The second reasonlight is important to organisms is that it is essential for photosynthesis.This is the process  by which plantsuse energy from the sun to convert carbon from soil or water into organicmaterial for growth.  C5P98L11

分析:by which plants use energy from the sun toconvert carbon from soil or water into organic material for growth这是一个介词+which引导的一个定语从句,介词+which在语法上相当于whenwherewhy这三个在定语从句中不充当成分的词,这一点比较特殊,要注意一下哦。
