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# 写作 # 素材范文

发布时间:2019-03-05 上海启德



By Dr Rob Burton

Nowadays, children spend too much time watching TV and playing computer games. Some people believe this has negative effects on children’s mental abilities. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Children today have unprecedented access to technological devices, such as smart phones, laptops, and television. Exposure to gadgets such as these can have far-reaching effects on a child’s psychological well-being. By being a couch potato playing computer games they are missing out on healthier and more social activities.


Firstly, as society urbanised and fear of crime increased, parents became wary of letting their children play outside. Many parents start their child off young using the TV as a babysitter as they get busy around the house. As the child gets older they progress to tablets or smart phones and play video games rather than watch TV or go outside to play.  As a result, children become housebound and solitary. This state of affairs can affect their mental abilities. Sitting in front of a computer or gaming console for long hours can affect a child’s concentration levels and their social skills with other people.


The flip side is a parental backlash to stop or reduce their children’s screen time and game playing. More enlightened parents encourage their children to take part in sports and games outside of the home. Such activities teach children crucial life skills such as team spirit and learning to take the rough with the smooth. Active and physical activity helps the development of cognitive abilities like decision-making and problem-solving.

To conclude, video games and TV might keep children engaged for hours on end, but they do not help their overall cognitive development. So I strongly believe that spending too much time playing computer games and watching TV can be very harmful for young people.

结尾段部分作者to conclude开头,总结上文并重申观点。一边倒结构是观点类大作文常用的写作结构之一,它可以很清晰的表达做者想要陈述的观点,同时也能保证整个叙述逻辑的通顺。对于考生来说是在考场中比较好效仿的一种写作结构。文章中,还有一些地道的词汇用法可供学生参考。




1. couch potato (idiom):  Someone who often engages in sedentary activities, usually understood as frequently watching television. Lisa wants to date a man who loves to travel and explore, not a couch potato who watches television all the time.


2. miss out (idiom + phrasal verb): To lose the chance or opportunity to do or experience something. Because I was so sick last week, I missed out on the chance to see my sister while she was in town. If you don't call the recruiter back right away, you're going to miss out.


3. fear of crime (phrase): Refers to the fear of being a victim of crime as opposed to the actual probability

of being a victim of crime.


4. state of affairs (idiom): A current situation or set of conditions. It's been a sad state of affairs around here since our grandma got sick. I'd like to start this meeting by going over the company's financial state of affairs.


5. long hours (idiom): A period of time doing something, especially work, that is longer than is usual or customary. I'll be working long hours in the restaurant the lead up to Christmas, but the tips and pay checks will be worth it.


6. the flip side (of something) (idiom): The opposite aspect, possibility, or result associated with something. Of course, the flip side of integrating technology into so many aspects of our lives is that we run the risk of exposing our private information to cyber criminals. I'll have to work really long hours and be away from my family for long stretches of time, but, on the flip side, I'll get the opportunity to travel around the world.


7. backlash (noun): An antagonistic reaction to a trend, development, or event: As the backlash against divorce progressed, state legislatures ... called for a rollback of no-fault divorce laws and even for premarital waiting periods.


8. take the rough with the smooth (idiom): To accept both the negative and positive aspects of something. The phrase is typically used in an acknowledgement that nothing is perfect. When it comes to this job, you have to take the rough with the smooth. It's hard, but it's worth it. Marriage can be a wonderfully fulfilling part of life, but it certainly presents its own challenges—you just have to take the rough with the smooth.


9. for hours on end (idiom): For many hours. We sat and waited in the emergency room for hours on end. The children were happy to play video games for hours on end.


10. cognitive (adjective): Of or pertaining to the mental processes of perception, memory, judgment, and reasoning, as contrasted with emotional and volitional processes. 
