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# 数学 # 应试技巧 # 考试安排 # 考后须知

发布时间:2019-02-13 文都国际教育



  1. 尽管不做要求,还是建议把答案写到表格顶部空格里以便于涂卡。圆圈必须全部涂黑,否则不得分;

  2. 每一竖列只能涂一个圈。

  3. 没有问题的答案是负数。(如果你的答案是负数,说明你答案错了)

  4. 有些问题可能有多个答案,这种情况下,只能填一个答案。(任何一个都可以)

  5. 分数大于1时,分数要涂假分数,不要涂真分数。比如3½必须涂7/2或3.5。

  6. 如果答案是小数并且超过四格,需要四舍五入涂满格。

  7. 小于1的小数,0不涂。比如 0.5只能涂.5;

  8. 答案可以不从最左侧开始涂,比如2可以涂在任意一格。

  9. 分数可以不约分。比如6/18不需要化简成1/3的形式,这样可以节省时间减少化简错误。

  10. 注意题目中的单位,如果最后问题是几分钟,而题干中的单位是秒,则一定要把秒转换成分钟。单位换算是问答题常见陷阱,一定要注意。

  11. 如果题目要求答案约到十分位或百分位(rounded to the nearest tenth or hundredth),只能约分后的答案才算正确答案。


  1. round your answer to the nearest minute/dollar/meter /degree


  2. to the nearest kilometer per hour


  3. round your answer to the nearest tenth


  4. to the nearest tenth of a meter


  5. to the nearest tenth of a centimeter


  6. to the nearest whole number/integer


  7. rounded to the nearest hundredth



  1. Although not required, it is suggested that you write your answer in the boxes at the top of the columns to help you fill in the circles accurately. You will receive credit only if the circles are filled in correctly.

  2. Mark no more than one circle in any column.

  3. No question has a negative answer.

  4. Some problems may have more than one correct answer. In such cases, grid only one answer.

  5. Mixed numbers such as 3½ must be gridded as 3.5 or 7/2.

  6. Decimal answers: If you obtain a decimal answer with more digits than the grid can accommodate, it may be either rounded or truncated, but it must fill the entire grid.

  7. Do not include a leading zero when gridding in decimals. For example, if your answer is 2/3, you can grid 2/3, .666, or .667; however, 0.6, .66, and 0.67 would all be considered incorrect.

  8. You may start your answers in any column, space permitting. Columns you don’t need to use should be left blank.

  9. It is also not necessary to reduce fractions to their lowest terms as long as the fraction fits in the grid. If your answer is 6/18, you do not need to reduce it to 1/3. Giving your answer as an unreduced fraction (if it fits in the grid) can save you time and prevent simple calculation mistakes.

  10. Make sure to read the question carefully and answer what is being asked. If the question asks for the number of thousands and the correct answer is 2 thousands, grid in 2 as the answer, not 2000.

  11. If the question asks for your answer to be rounded to the nearest tenth or hundredth, only a correctly rounded answer will be accepted.

