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成都澎博英语 澎博英语助力梦想 在线咨询



# 写作 # 应试技巧

发布时间:2019-08-16 成都澎博英语

1. In fact, the development of both Internet technologies and web-based education has made it convincing that one day online learning may replace the traditional classroom teaching.


  1. In fact, the development of both Internet technologies and web-based education has made it convincing that one day online learning may replace the traditional classroom teaching.

  2. The advantages of online learning compared with classroom teaching make the substitution of the latter by the former almost inevitable.

  3. Because of its advantages in creating a virtual but realistic classroom, and providing diversity, convenience and freedom, online education is quickly taking in many territories that once belonged to traditional classroom teaching. In a certain sense, it can be said that online education came, has seen and will conquer.



  1. Though learning can be made interesting, it is not play in essence and we should take each class seriously. Thus, there are some dos and don’ts for us to help a class go smoothly.

  2. Besides, to minimize students’ possibility to substitute others’ works for their own, several simple strategies can be followed in designing writing assignments.

  【扩展】Besides, to release academic pressure, you can take the following suggestions into account.

  To prevent these from happening and to travel smoothly on the information superhighway, you should observe some basic rules of netiquette.

  3. Maybe you are perplexed about how to get rid of it and enjoy a more pleasant and rich college life? Here are my opinions about how to cope with financial, academic and emotional problems.

  【扩展】When it comes to the problem of… here are a few tips for…


  1. Of course there is some truth in those complaints. Nevertheless, with regard to the future development for both employers and employees, advantages will far outweigh disadvantages during a job interview.

  【扩展】There is some truth in…, but…/There’s an element of truth in… but …/There’s a great deal of truth in what they say, but …

  2. It is true that interview benefits both the employer and employee in many cases, but, in my opinion, it does not always work because of its time limit, the subjectivity in decision-making and high additional expenditure it brings to job applicants.

  3. Admittedly, looking good does have real advantages in some occasions like finding a job or spouse, but plastic surgery alone cannot change our life.



  1. In my view, effective measures are called for to solve the problem. First, it should be made clear to the whole society that Chinese is one indispensable part of our culture and race. Second, schools should attach more importance to the teaching of Chinese. Third, students should enhance their awareness of the importance of mastering their mother tongue.

  2. Personally, I believe that both sides have something right, so we should not go to extremes. On the one hand, we have to admit that a well-designed name can help a person to some extent. On the other hand, we should not exaggerate the effect of a name on a person’s fate.

  3. From the factors mentioned above, we may safely draw the conclusion that we can free ourselves from mental illness by taking certain precautions. For example, if you have pains or puzzles in mind, finding a friend to express these is a good way to release pressure.


  1. Addressing these issues is not a luxury that can be postponed until a more convenient time. It is a short step from dishonesty in schools and colleges to dishonesty in business.

  2. Only when we treat plagiarism as seriously as it deserves to be treated, will we accomplish the first step toward the elimination of various forms of unethical academic behaviors on our campuses.

  3. To sum up, ambition can benefit us tremendously if wisely and correctly channeled, otherwise it may ruin others and ourselves.

