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成都澎博英语 澎博英语助力梦想 在线咨询



# 阅读 # 真题解析

发布时间:2019-03-21 成都澎博英语



  1. 黑人文艺复兴的许多作家最初不是来自海伦(纽约黑人住宅区)的;被这个社区的文化艺术所吸引,他们_________这个地方当做家。

  Many writers associated with the Harlem Renaissance were not originally from Harlem; drawn by the artistic community it provided, they _________ the place as home.

  (A) neglected v. 被忽视的

  (B) adopted v. 接受,采用

  (C) avoided v. 避免,避开

  (D) criticized v. 批评

  (E) encountered v. 遇到,遭遇

  2. 安装在哈勃望远镜上的装置,绰号“隐形眼镜”,成功的__________由一块有缺陷的镜子所造成的有缺陷的视觉。

  Nicknamed the "contact lens," the device installed on the Hubble telescope successfully _________ its flawed vision, the result of a faulty mirror.

  (A) corrected v. 修正的

  (B) displayed v. 陈列,展示

  (C) generated v. 产生

  (D) scrutinized v. 仔细检查

  (E) accentuated v. 强调

  3. 作为一个修复老旧楼房的建筑师,罗伯特华盛顿反对一个城市政策,这个政策导致了大量的_________明显可以_________建筑物。

  As an architect who rehabilitates older buildings, Roberta Washington objected to a city policy that resulted in the mass _________ of clearly________ structures.

  (A) demolition n. 毁坏,拆毁...inconsequential adj. 不重要的,无足轻重的

  (B) renovation n. 修复,翻新...derelict adj. 被迫弃的,废弃的

  (C) razing n. 彻底摧毁...salvageable adj. 可挽救的

  (D) protection n. 保护...venerable adj. 尊敬

  (E) scouring n. 冲刷...grimy adj. 肮脏的,满是灰尘的

  4. 财务主管被刚抵达的审计员的_________行为所恐吓了,这些审计员既不说话也不微笑。

  The treasurer was intimidated by the __________ demeanor of the auditors who neither spoke nor smiled when they arrived.

  (A) amiable adj. 好脾气的

  (B) ethical adj. 道德的

  (C) glacial adj. 冰冷的

  (D) taunting adj. 嘲讽

  (E) nondescript adj. 难以形容的

  5. 莱特福宫子曾经被描述成身体和心灵里的_________因为他在拳击和剧本,诗词写作里的柔韧性和显然的优美。

  Rodolfo Gonzales was once described as _________ in body and mind because of the flexibility and grace apparent in both his boxing and his writing of poetry and plays.

  (A) unyielding adj. 不屈的,坚强的

  (B) tremulous adj. 胆小的

  (C) emphatic adj. 着重的,显著的

  (D) lithe adj. 柔软的

  (E) fickle adj. 易变的

  6. 在金融崩溃的边缘,博物馆得到了__________,收到急需的__________现金,以政府贷款形式发放。

  On the verge of financial collapse, the museum was granted a _________ , receiving a much-needed __________ of cash in the form of a government loan.

  (A) reprieve n. 暂缓,舒缓...infusion n. 注入

  (B) deferment n. 拖延,延缓...inducement n. 刺激物

  (C) rebate n. 返回,回扣...advance n. 前进

  (D) hearing n. 听力,听觉...security n. 安全

  (E) procurement n. 采购,购买...account n. 账户

