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成都澎博英语 澎博英语助力梦想 在线咨询



# 阅读 # 真题解析

发布时间:2019-03-21 成都澎博英语



  1. 他们不用语言来解释但是来_________;每个陈述就像在扭曲的镜子里面的映像一样。

  They use language not to explain but to ________; each statement is like a reflection in a warped mirror.

  (A) preserve v. 保护,维持

  (B) distort v. 扭曲

  (C) enlighten v. 启发,开导

  (D) negate v. 取消,否认

  (E) destroy v. 毁灭

  2. 殖民地时期的卡罗莱纳州南部被描述成文化的_________:欧洲人,非洲人和印第安人都吸收了其他名族的风俗。

  Colonial South Carolina was characterized by cultural _________: Europeans, Africans, and Native Americans each absorbed some customs of the other groups.

  (A) tension n. 拉力,紧张

  (B) conservatism n. 保守主义,守旧性

  (C) integrity n. 正直,诚实

  (D) convergence n. 会聚,集合

  7. 莱拉在她办公室__________履行了她的任务,按时完成了她所有的项目。

  Laila performed her tasks at the office with _________ , completing all her projects in record time.

  (A) alacrity n. 敏捷

  (B) conformity n. 一致,依照

  (C) deliberation n. 细想,审慎

  (D) recrimination n. 吵架

  (E) exasperation n. 激怒

  8. 评论家说约翰易达魏德曼写的自传兄弟和保管人是吃惊的因为这本书赞美,歌颂但是__________他在他弟弟的生命里的角色。

  Critics say that the autobiographical work Brothers and Keepers by John Edgar Wideman is surprising in that it celebrates and yet _________ his own role in the life of his brother.

  (A) censures v. 指责,谴责

  (B) exacerbates v. 使恶化

  (C) explores v. 探测,探索

  (D) duplicates v. 复制

  (E) delineates v. 勾画,描述

  (E) eradication n. 根除,消灭

  3. 安娜福德对心理分析的影响是__________,不是从一个杰出的发现得来的而是从毕生的上等工作而得来的。

  Anna Freud's impact on psychoanalysis was _________, coming not from one brilliant discovery but form a lifetime of first-rate work.

  (A) tangential adj. 切线的

  (B) premature adj. 不成熟的,早产的

  (C) exorbitant adj. 过高的

  (D) indiscernible adj. 难识别的,看不见的

  (E) cumulative adj. 累积的

  4. 弗朗西斯学到了_________他的怒火和怨恨,和那样避免_________,他比这些公开反抗对手能更成功的战胜对手。

  Francis learned that by _________ his anger and resentment, and so avoiding __________, he could overcome opponents more successfully than could those who openly defied their adversaries.

  (A) expressing v. 表达...hostility n. 敌意

  (B) suppressing v. 镇压...conflict n. 冲突

  (C) stifling v. 沉闷的...temperance n. 节制,节欲

  (D) disguising v. 伪装,掩饰...deceit n. 欺骗,欺诈

  (E) rousing v. 充满活力...wrath n. 愤怒

  5. 睡眠实际上是_________,尽管人们在睡着前几分钟才可能收到线索预示睡眠的__________。

  Sleep actually occurs __________, though one may receive clues signaling its _________ for several minutes before one falls asleep.

  (A) gradually adv. 逐步的...abruptness n. 突然的

  (B) erratically adv. 不确定的,不可靠的...solace n. 安慰

  (C) temporarily adv. 暂时的...length n. 长度

  (D) inevitably adv. 不可避免的...approach n. 接近

  (E) instantaneously adv. 即刻,突如其来的...onset n. 开始,发生

  6. 艾伦斯瓦托理查兹,一个在美国的_________环境保护者,在十九世纪举行运动来__________在一个领域里可靠的实践,后来被称之为生态学。

  Ellen Swallow Richard, a _________ environmental preservation in the United States, campaigned during the nineteenth century to _________ responsible practices in the discipline that has come to be known as ecology.

  (A) foil for 阻止,挡开...expose v. 曝光,揭露

  (B) pioneer of 倡导,先驱者...implement v. 实现,实施

  (C) resource on 资源...squelch v. 压制,限制

  (D) mitigator of 减轻...promote v. 提升,促进

  (E) critic of 批评家...exploit v. 剥削,开采

