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成都澎博英语 澎博英语助力梦想 在线咨询



# 阅读 # 题型介绍 # 真题解析

发布时间:2019-03-20 成都澎博英语



  1. 孤岛上的交易是完全通过_________实施的,以物换物。

  Commerce on the remote island was conducted exclusively by _________, exchanging goods for goods.

  (A) credit n. 赊购,信誉

  (B) loan n. 借款

  (C) faith n. 信任

  (D) patronage n. 赞助

  (E) barter n. 实物交易,物物交换

  2. 环境污染问题不再是一个_________要点;政府,企业和公众同意那是个很严重的问题。

  The existence of environmental contamination is no longer a point of ________; government, industry, and the public aSATe that it is a serious problem.

  (A) concern n. 涉及,关心

  (B) cooperation n. 合作

  (C) urgency n. 催促,紧急

  (D) relevance n. 关联

  (E) dispute n. 辩论,争吵

  3. 在攀岩运动里,依赖_________,一种不用理性思考就能察觉的能力和依赖体能对生存同样重要。

  In rock climbing, survival depends as much on __________, the ability to perceive without conscious reasoning, as on physical strength.

  (A) autonomy n. 自治

  (B) incoherence n. 不连贯

  (C) intuition n. 直觉

  (D) sophistry n. 诡辩

  (E) receptivity n. 接受能力

  4. 当课程________实验室练习和教室教学联合一起,用电脑实验室去_______教室指令是最有效的。

  Using computer labs to __________ classroom instruction is most effective when the curriculum _________ lab exercises and classroom teaching in a coordinated manner.

  (A) supplement v. 补充,增补...integrates v. 一体化,结合

  (B) substantiate v. 证实...undermines v. 破坏

  (C) remedy v. 补救...compromises v. 妥协

  (D) disparage v. 蔑视...reinforces v. 加强

  (E) foster v. 抚养,培养...curtails v. 所建

  5. 马歇尔大川的作品风格被很多_________用马歇尔在作品裸身下楼梯的杰作,相当于一个_________,来说明他们对现代艺术憎恨。

  Many _________ of the style of painting exemplified by Marcel Duchamp's work focused on Duchamp's Nude Descending a Staircase as the _________ of what they detested about modern art.

  (A) critics n. 评论家...epitome n. 缩影,摘要

  (B) proponents n. 支持者...realization n. 实现,领悟

  (C) advocates n. 拥护者...embodiment n. 体现,化身

  (D) debunkers n. 暴露者...rejection n. 拒绝

  (E) belittlers n. 轻视别人的人...reversal n. 逆转

  6. 殖民地时的美国剧作家梅斯欧偍思华恩以她的政治_________出名:她激烈的判断力和洞察力是众所皆知的。

  Colonial American playwright Mercy Otis Warren was known for her political __________: her keen judgment and insight were widely acknowledged.

  (A) partisanship n. 党派性

  (B) intemperance n. 放纵

  (C) acumen n. 敏锐,聪明

  (D) irreverence n. 不尊敬的

  (E) interest n. 兴趣,爱好7. 强生的作品被认为是_________和_________因为作品是充满了难理解的参考和难解的的离题。

  Johnson's writing is considered __________ and _________ because it is filled with obscure references and baffling diSATssions.

  (A) deceiving adj. 欺骗...ingenuous adj. 坦率的

  (B) arcane adj. 神秘的,秘密的...abstruse adj. 深奥的,难解的

  (C) spare adj. 节省...didactic adj. 教学的

  (D) lucid adj. 表达清楚的...definitive adj. 决定性的

  (E) concise adj. 简明的...esoteric adj. 难解的,机密的

  8. 因为女议员在选民中的印象已经是如此的慷慨了,所以很难和_________达成一致如果她显得_________的话。

  Because the conSATsswoman has been so openhanded with many of her constituents, it is difficult to reconcile this __________ with her private __________.

  (A) selfishness n. 自我中心...inattention n. 疏忽,粗心

  (B) insolence n. 傲慢...virtue n. 美德,邮电

  (C) magnanimity n. 慷慨...pettiness n. 小气

  (D) opportunism n. 机会主义,投机主义...ambition n. 野心,抱负

  (E) solicitousness n. 热切期望...generosity n. 慷慨,大方

